5.5.10. Extracting Fracture Results from a Result File

The Fracture Tool provides the Scoping Method option, Result File Item, that enables you to read a result file into the application prior to solution processing. For the associated fracture results and probes, included under the Fracture Tool, you specify a desired Solver ID from the drop-down menu to evaluate the result from the result file. Furthermore, by reading a results file, you can evaluate the fracture results of a Pre-Meshed Crack without needing to define the crack. For all other crack types, your simulation must include a defined Fracture folder, a matching mesh, as well as defined boundary conditions.

See the Extract Fracture Results from a Result File topic in the Fracture Results section for the specific steps to extract fracture results from a result file (file.rst).


Note the following requirements for this feature:

  • You must ensure that the mesh in the result file matches the mesh in Workbench. This includes the Workbench generated mesh from the geometry as well as any nodes or elements defined in the input file (such as for contact or remote boundary conditions). Failure to do so could result in incorrect results and unexpected behavior.

  • Fracture probes can be evaluated only if the fracture analysis had cracks associated with a SMART Crack Growth object from which the result file is saved and read.

  • Once you read a result file, if you do not see an expected Solver ID in the property’s drop-down menu, this indicates that the result was not available in the results file. You must delete or suppress the result in order to continue with your analysis.