External Model CDB Commands

This is the list of Interfaces provided by CDB Commands Repository. All the processed commands are represented by their specialized types, like ICECommand, ICPCommand etc. The unprocessed commands are represented by the IGenericCommand.

IGenericCommand : public ICommand
    int ArgumentCount();
    string GetArgument(int index);

    uint Node();
    string Dof();
    double Coefficient();

ICECommand : public ICommand
    uint Nce();
    double Constant();
    int  TermCount();
    ICETerm GetTerm(int index);

ICECMODCommand : public ICommand
    uint Nce();
    double Constant();

ICPCommand : public ICommand
    uint Ncp();
    string Dof();
    int NodeCount();
    int GetNode(int index);

INCommand : public ICommand
    uint Node();
    string Type();
    int ValCount();
    int GetVal(int index);

    uint Id();
    double GetLocation(int index);
    double GetRotation(int index);

INBlockCommand : public ICommand
    int NodeCount();
    INode GetNode();

    uint Knum();
    int Value();

IETCommand : public ICommand
    uint Id();
    uint Ename();
    int KeyoptCount();
    IKeyopt GetKeyopt(int index);

IENCommand : public ICommand
    string Type();
    int ValueCount();
    int GetValue(int index);

    uint Mat();
    uint Type();
    uint Real();
    uint Section();
    uint Csys();
    int NodeCount();
    int GetNode(int index);

IEBlockCommand : public ICommand
    int ElementCount();
    IElement GetElement(int index);

ICMBlockCommand : public ICommand
    string Cmname();
    string Type();
    int IdCount();
    uint GetId(int index);

ICMGRPCommand : public ICommand
    string Aname();
    int CnameCount();
    string GetCname(int index);

ICMEDITCommand : public ICommand
    string Aname();
    string Oper();
    int CnameCount();
    string GetCname(int index);

ILocalCommand : public ICommand
    string Type();
    uint Ncsy();
    uint Cstyp();
    int ValueCount();
    double GetValue(int index);

IPreadCommand : public ICommand
    string Id();
    int ValueCount();
    double GetValue(int index);

IRCommand : public ICommand
    uint Nset();
    uint Stloc();
    int ValueCount();
    double GetValue();

    uint Id();
    int ValueCount();
    double GetValue(int index);

IRLBlockCommand : public ICommand
    int RealCount();
    IReal GetReal(int index);

ISecdataCommand : public ICommand
    int ValueCount();
    double GetValue(int index);

ISectypeCommand : public ICommand
    uint Secid();
    string Type();
    string Subtype();
    string Secname();
    int Refinekey();

ISecoffsetCommand : public ICommand
    string Location();
    int ValueCount();
    int GetValue(int index);

    double Thick();
    uint Mat();
    double Theta();
    uint Numpt();

IShellSecBlockCommand : public ICommand
    string Type();
    int LayerCount();
    ILayer GetLayer(int index);

    int NodeCount();
    uint GetNode(int index);
    uint MatId();

IBeamSecBlockCommand : public ICommand
    string Type();
    int CellCount();
    ICell GetCell(int index);
    int NodeCount();
    INode GetNode(int index);

IMPDataCommand : public ICommand
    uint Mat();
    string Lab();
    int TempCount();
    double GetTemp(int index);
    int ValueCount();
    double GetValue(int index);

IMPCommand : public ICommand
    uint Mat();
    string Lab();
    double C0();
    double C1();
    double C2();
    double C3();
    double C4();

IBFCommand : public ICommand
    int Node();
    string Lab();
    int ValCount();
    object GetVal(int index); // object is double or string

IBFECommand : public ICommand
    int Elem();
    string Lab();
    int Stloc();
    int ValCount();
    object GetVal(int index); // object is double or string

    int Node();
    int ValCount();
    object GetVal(int index);

IBFBlockCommand : public ICommand
    string Lab();
    int NodalBodyForceCount();
    INodalBodyForce GetNodalBodyForce(int index);

    int Elem();
    int Count();
    int GetStloc(int index);
    object GetVal(int index); // object is double or string

IBFEBlockCommand : public ICommand
    string Lab();
    int ElementBodyForceCount();
    IElementBodyForce GetElementBodyForce(int index);

    int ValCount();
    object GetVal(int index); // object is double or string

    int Elem();
    int Count();
    int GetLKey(int index);
    int GetKey(int index);
    IElementSurfaceLoadValues GetElementSurfaceLoadValues(int index);

ISFEBlockCommand : public ICommand
    string Lab();
    int ElementSurfaceLoadCount();
    IElementSurfaceLoad GetElementSurfaceLoad(int index);

    double Temp();
    int ValueCount();
    double Value(int index);

ITBDataCommand : public ICommand
    string Lab();
    int Mat();
    int Ntemp();
    int Npts();
    string Tbopt();
    int DataValueCount();
    const ITBDataValues* DataValues(int index);

    int ValueCount();
    double Value(int index);

    double Temp();
    int TBPTCount();
    ITBPTValues TBPTValues(int index);

ITBPTCommand : public ICommand
    string Lab();
    int Mat();
    int Ntemp();
    int Npts();
    string Tbopt();
    int TBPTDataCount();
    ITBPTData TBPTData(int index);

    uint Id();
    uint Ename();
    int KeyoptCount();
    IKeyopt GetKeyopt(int index);

IETBlockCommand : public ICommand
    int ElementTypeCount();
    IElementType GetElementType(int index);

ISeccontrolCommand : public ICommand
    int ValueCount();
    double GetValue(int index);