6.8. Body Merge

Use Body Merge to combine multiple geometric bodies with shared faces into a single merged body. The mesh is also merged if the model has been meshed.

Body Merge simplifies complicated geometries by reducing the number of bodies in a model. This is especially useful when working with complex parts. It is easier to assign materials and apply boundary conditions to a single merged body than multiple bodies. Body Merge can also be used to merge bodies that were previously sliced to generate a hex dominant mesh.

Recommended Body Merge Workflow

Ansys strongly recommends the following workflow when you use a Body Merge in your analysis.

  1. Import your geometry.

  2. Generate the mesh.

  3. Add a Body Merge object and merge the selected bodies. The resulting merged body is listed as an object under Geometry in the Outline pane.

  4. Assign materials, boundary conditions, and other model attributes to the resulting merged body (and other bodies in your model).

  5. Generate a solution.

About Body Merge