2.25. Setting Variables

Variables enable you to override default settings.

To set a variable:

  1. Choose Variable Manager from the File tab.

  2. Right-click in a row and select Add to enter a new variable.

  3. Enter a variable name and type in a value.

  4. Click OK.

Variable nameSupported ValuesDescription
DSMESH OUTPUT filenameWrites mesher messages to a file during solve (default = no file written). If the value is a filename, the file is written to the temporary working folder (usually c:\temp). To write the file to a specific location, specify the full path.
DSMESH DEFEATUREPERCENT a number between 1e-6 and 1e-3Tolerance used in simplifying geometry (default = .0005).
TreatModalAsComplex 1Mode shapes and contour colors are in sync for animated Modal results.
contactAllowEmpty 1Allows the solution to proceed even if no contact elements are generated for a given Contact Region.
UsePseudoShellDisp 1Display expanded shell thickness based on solver updated nodal locations (for shells with large deformations).
edge contact type CONTA175 or CONTA177Forcibly specifies the element type of edge contact (both for real contact and Remote Boundary Conditions).


The status box indicates if a particular variable is active or not. Checked indicates that the variable is active. Unchecked indicates that the variable is available but not active. This saves you from typing in the variable and removing it.