Using Virtual Topology to Handle Fillets in MultiZone Problems

The presence of fillets in a model can cause problems for MultiZone, since arguably a fillet could be either a side face or a source face and the mesh quality in the corner could be problematic. Ideally, a fillet should be split in half, with one half going to the source face and the other half going to the side face.

Figure 174: Fillets and MultiZone

Fillets and MultiZone

In addition, inflation is generally recommended to improve the high angled elements that would be formed along the edge that is shared between the source and side faces. Inflation allows the mesh to transition away from the boundary and reduce the angle. See Figure 175: Fillets and Inflation.

Figure 175: Fillets and Inflation

Fillets and Inflation

Alternatively, the fillet could be removed by assigning the fillet to the side face through a virtual topology operation.

Figure 176: Fillets as Side Faces

Fillets as Side Faces

Refer to Meshing: Virtual Topology for more information.