MultiZone Source Face Selection Tips

When you choose the MultiZone mesh method, the Details View expands to expose various settings, one of which is Src/Trg Selection. Src/Trg Selection, which defines the source and target selection type for the MultiZone mesh method, can be set to either Automatic (the default) or Manual Source. Remember these points when selecting faces:

  • Select both source and target faces. MultiZone internally decides which faces to take as sources and which to take as targets.

  • To do imprinting of face loops, all swept section faces (that is, those that are perpendicular to the sweep direction) should be selected.

  • Source faces will generally be meshed with a free mesh. Depending on the geometry, you can add mapped face meshing controls to these faces to get mapped meshing.

  • At an interface in a multibody part (in which two bodies share the same face), there is not always a distinction of which body the face belongs to. When using MultiZone in such cases, setting the face to be inflated may affect both bodies because both bodies are meshed with MultiZone at the same time.

  • To make source face selection easier, select Annotation Preferences from the Toolbar and then deselect Body Scoping Annotations in the Annotation Preferences option box to toggle the visibility of annotations in the Geometry window. For example, after scoping MultiZone to a body, the body will be displayed using a blue solid annotation. Turn off the body scoping annotations, then select the source faces. For picking internal faces, the Hide Faces right-click option may help you to see inside a body. For example, you can select external faces in the Geometry window and then use the Hide Faces option to hide the selected faces (making it easier to select the internal faces).

Refer to Figure 101: Source / Target Face Selection for MultiZone for more information.