Parametric Functions

A parametric function is a sequence of operations that return a single value, such as SQRT(x), LN(x), or SIN(x). The available functions for the DesignModeler application are listed in the table below.

ABS(x)Absolute value of x.
EXP(x) Exponential of x (ex).
LN(x) Natural log of x.
SQRT(x) Square root of x.




Sine, Cosine, and Tangent of x in degrees.




Arcsine, Arccosine, and Arctangent of x. x must be between -1.0 and +1.0 for ASIN and ACOS. Output is in degrees by default. Range of output is -90 to +90 for ASIN and ATAN, and 0 to 180 for ACOS.


Ceiling of x. Rounds x up to the nearest integer.


Floor of x. Rounds x down to the nearest integer.


Round of x. Rounds x to nearest integer (0.5 or greater rounds up, lower rounds down).

MIN(x; ...)

Maximum value of a set. The input must be a non-empty, semicolon-delimited set of expressions.

MAX(x; ...)

Minimum value of a set. The input must be a non-empty, semicolon-delimited set of expressions.

Note:  The maximum number of digits used for calculation for CEIL and FLOOR functions are 15 (this includes digits before and after decimal, if any).

Example 104: Parametric Functions

A = acos (-1) # Evaluates to 180

B = abs (x) # Evaluates to |x|

C = asin (sqrt (2) / 2)) # Evaluates to 45

D = exp(ln(x)) # Evaluates to x

E = max (floor (7.67); ceil (7.67)) # Evaluates to 8

F = min (round (6.5); round (6.4)) # Evaluates to 6

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