Parametric Expressions

Parametric expressions involve operations among parameters and numbers such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The available parametric expressions for the DesignModeler application are listed in the table below.

%Modulus; returns the remainder of x/y.
E+, E-, e+, e-Scientific notation

Parentheses can also be used for clarity and for nesting operations. The order in which the DesignModeler application evaluates an expression is as follows:

  1. Operations in parentheses (innermost first)

  2. Scientific Notation (in order from left to right)

  3. Exponentiation (in order from right to left)

  4. Multiplication, Division, and Modulus (in order from left to right)

  5. Unary association (such as +A or -A)

  6. Addition and Subtraction (in order from left to right)

Note:  + or - must follow e/E in Parameter/Dimension Assignments tab but + need not follow e/E in Design Parameters tab as it is implied.

Example 103: Parametric Expressions

X = A+B

P = (R1+R2)/2

D = B+E^2-4*A*C [Evaluates to B + E2 - 4AC]

XYZ = A+B^2/C%R [Evaluates to A + ((B2/C) % R)]

Ae+2 [Evaluates to A00.00] or AE-2 [Evaluates to 0.0A]

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