Deleting Parameters

Parameter assignments can be disabled simply by unchecking the check box next to the appropriate property. When a property is unchecked, the assignment linking it to its design parameter is not removed. Rather the assignment is simply suppressed, so that it can be easily re-enabled later. A suppressed assignment will show the “Suppressed” state and display in light grey in the Parameter/Dimension Assignments Tab. If the name in the Parameters Tab was just the default name, then it will be removed. If you changed the name of the parameter as it was created, then it will just be suppressed. In either case, when you uncheck a property that had been promoted, then that parameter will be removed from the Parameter Set in the Project Window.

When a feature is deleted, any simple references to it are removed from the Parameter Manager’s Parameter/Dimension Assignments Tab. More complex assignments may need to be manually removed. Design Parameters for that feature are also removed from the Design Parameters Tab.

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