Details of NAME
When you select a dimension in the Model View area, the dimension details appear. The first group in the dimension details is always Details of NAME, where NAME is the name of the selected dimension. The first item in this group identifies the dimension type, and lists the dimension's name in the value field, which can be edited. Note that dimension names must be unique, and if the name you supply ends with a numeric, it will be modified to find a unique name. If your supplied name does not end in a numeric and is not unique, then a numeric will be added at the end. The next item lists the Value. If the value field is not read-only, then you can modify it. Clicking Generate will then propagate that change through the 3D model.
The following items identify the points or edges associated with this dimension. The next item allows you to state whether or not this is a Reference Only dimension. If it is, you will not be able to change its value and its name will be shown enclosed in parentheses, and its value can change as the sketch is changed. Finally, there is a switch that allows you to prevent the position of this dimension from automatically being updated when its associated geometry moves.
To go back to the Sketch Details, you can select the Active Sketch Drop Down menu on the toolbar, or Escape key (Esc) can be used to clear the selections and go back to the Sketch Details. Note that if you have accessed a window external to the Ansys DesignModeler application, you will need to click somewhere in the Ansys DesignModeler application window before the Escape key (Esc) will be usable.