Plane Properties

When constructing a plane, some plane types allow you to use the Details View to add an offset to the plane. Also, some types allow you to use the Details View to reverse the plane normal direction. When adding from another plane or a planar face, you can specify a rotation axis and angle. In this case, rotation takes precedence to offset.

Overall, there are eight plane properties:

  1. Subtype: This property is only available if the plane type is From-Face. Then if the selected face is, at creation time, a planar face, the options for the Subtype are either:

    • Outline: The plane's origin is placed at one of the selected face's vertices. This option is only available for planar faces.

    • Tangent Plane: The plane's origin is placed at the location where you clicked. This is the only option allowed for curved faces.

  2. X-Axis Line: This allows you to select a direction (see above) with which you want the plane's X-Axis to be aligned. If not specified, the system will align the plane's axes with the axes of the global coordinate system. Applies to Release 7.1 and earlier.

  3. Z-Axis Rotation: This allows you to specify the degrees in which the X-axis can be rotated around the normal vector. 0° means no rotation; take X-axis as is. Applies to Release 7.1 and earlier.

  4. Reverse Normal/Z-Axis: Reverses/flips/inverts the plane normal (or Z-Axis; Blue triad arrow).

  5. Flip XY-Axis: Reverses/flips/inverts both the X- and Y-axis of the plane.

  6. Use Arc Centers for Origin: This property is only available for From Face planes. If Yes, then when a planar face is selected and an arc or elliptical arc edge is nearest to the selection, then the center of the circle/ellipse will be used for the origin. When this is set to No, then arc and elliptical arc edges are treated just like other edges and the nearest end point is used for the origin. The default is Yes for all new Plane features and No for planes created prior to Release 8.1.

  7. Export Coordinate System: Exports the plane as a coordinate system into the Mechanical application. The default is No. Planes that are used as symmetry planes in the Enclosure and Symmetry features will automatically force this property to Yes.

    Note:  Ansys Workbench Products 7.1 is only processing exported coordinate systems at the time of the initial attach of the active CAD model. This means, in particular, the Updates are not supported for exported coordinate systems.