Edge Joints

When the Surfaces From Edges feature executes, shared topology is created between the new Surface body edges and the original line edges that defined the surface. Edges marked as shared are called edge joints, and are viewable by turning on edge joint display (see Edge Joints). Two additional properties list the results of the Surfaces From Edges operation:

  • Edge joints generated: This tells you the number of edge joints that the Surfaces From Edges feature created.

  • Expired edge joints: This will inform you of any edge joints that have expired due to model changes. If any edges in an edge joint are modified in any way, then the edge joint will become expired and no longer appear when viewing the edge joints. This property is not displayed if there are no expired edge joints for a Surfaces From Edges feature.

Note:  To view all edge joints the Shared Topology feature cannot be selected. For more information see Edge Joints in the Shared Topology feature.