Geometry Interface Recommendations

Note that successful importation of CAD models into the DesignModeler application requires that the geometry's mathematical representation be as complete and exact as possible. If a model imports into the Mechanical application but does not import into the DesignModeler application, you should implement one or more of the Import and Attach Options. Under certain system limitation circumstances, models that import into the Mechanical application may not necessarily import into the DesignModeler application.

The File Format Support section of the CAD Integration section of the Ansys Workbench help provides geometry interface recommendations for:

For detailed CAD-related information specific to the Ansys DesignModeler application and Ansys Workbench, see the CAD Integration section of the product help. When accessing the Ansys Workbench Help from the Help menu, click the Contents tab and open the CAD Integration folder in the hierarchical tree to access the CAD Integration section.

The CAD Integration section features topics about: