Monte Carlo N-Particle (*.mcnp)

The application supports Monte Carlo N-Particle files as Reader.

  • This is a stand-alone reader that does not require an installation of the Monte Carlo N-Particle CAD program.

  • No CAD associativity.

  • No CAD Parameters.

  • The MCNP format contains solid bodies only. Surfaces and lines will be ignored.


At the time of release, detailed version support information for the Linux and Windows platforms is accessible via Geometry Interface Support.

For information about post-release CAD system compatibility with Ansys Workbench, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.

This is a stand-alone reader, which does not require an installation of the Monte Carlo N-Particle software or a Monte Carlo N-Particle license.

Document import supported by interface: *.mcnp


Monte Carlo N-Particle database files can only be read into Ansys DesignModeler. They cannot be imported directly into the Ansys Mechanical application.

Monte Carlo N-Particle database files must be updated with the Generate option prior to proceeding with an analysis.

When importing an MCNP file, the solid body representing the outside world body is automatically hidden.

Caveats and Known Issues

No caveats or known issues.