Errors/Warnings Status of Face Split Group

If some of the selection sets do not produce any result after generating the Face Split feature, then you can get a warning message. If the complete selection set does not produce any results then you will get an error message.

Dragging Split Location: A split location can be dragged to a new location while the "Tool Geometry" property is not active. Properties in the group corresponding to the split location will be changed according to the coordinate of the new location.
Generate Status: The failure status for each group is indicated with the text message "error" or "warning" in the group header. The text "error" indicates that the group failed completely whereas the text "warning" indicates partial success. The generate status for the feature is determined by the following rules.
Error (red bolt): If all the face split groups fail completely.
Warning (yellow tick mark): If at least one group succeeds partially and if not all groups succeed completely.
Success (green tick mark): If all groups succeed completely.

Additional Face Split topics: