Level 2: Polygon Fit

During conversion, each body will be represented as closely as possible to the original geometry, with the appropriate mixture of poly blocks, hex blocks, and plates. Level 2 simplification supports the following options:

Points on Arc: This specifies the number of interior points that will be placed at an equal distance within the curved edges that are encountered in the polygonal profile. You can set a value from 1 and 100. If you specify a value of 3, the curve will be represented by a total of 5 points.
Length Threshold %: This option specifies the threshold value to represent the curved edges using interior points. The number of interior points will be specified by the Points on Arc property. If the curve length as a percentage of the largest edge in the polygon profile is higher than the threshold percentage, then interior points will be added. Otherwise, the curve is considered too short and will be represented as a straight line.
Enforce Axis: This property forces the DesignModeler application to look for polygon profiles only in the normal plane of the selected axis. The default setting of "Automatic" does not assume any particular axis and allows the DesignModeler application to detect the axis. The other choices are X, Y, Z global axes. This option should be used when the ends of the extruded profile have drafts, chamfers, etc., or if there is a small taper in the extrude direction. The obtained polygon will correspond to the midpoint of the extrusion.
Cleanup During Simplification: You can choose if you want to clean the model before performing simplification. Cleanup supported include removing rounds or fillets in a solid body and are selected for removal based on an internal algorithm.
Split During Simplification: You can choose if you want to split the model during the execution of the feature. If you set the Cleanup option to Yes, the Split During Simplification and Create Primitives options to No you will then see the results of the Cleanup operation performed on the input bodies. Splitting the bodies during simplification has a significant effect on the simplification results. You should keep this option on if you want a more accurate simplification. You can turn off the Splitting capability if you want to see the results of only the other options. This property, when used with the enforcement option along the global X, Y or Z axes, allows body splitting using the planar faces perpendicular to the Enforce Axis direction.
Create Primitives: You can turn off the creation of primitives using this option. You can see the result of the splitting algorithm by turning off the creation of primitives (if you kept the Split During Simplification option on). If you are not satisfied with the results of the splitting algorithm, you can use various DesignModeler features to split the bodies yourself and use the simplify feature to produce an improved result.