Connect Feature Behavior

Using the Connect feature and combining bodies into a multibody part will result in connected (that is, shared) topology when the Share Topology feature is used or when the model is brought into the Mechanical application. The Connect feature might also be used in combination with the Sew Body Operation feature when working with Surface bodies (excluding face connect).

Example 44: Two vertices within a user-specified tolerance

Example 45: Connecting two vertices with the Location property set to Interpolated

Example 46: Connecting two vertices with the Location property set to Preserve First

Example 47: Selected edges within a user-specified tolerance

Example 48: Interpolated edge connect with interpolated t-junctions

Example 49: Interpolated edge connect with t-junction preservation of split edges

Example 50: Two selected edges within a user specified tolerance

Example 51: Interpolated edge connect with interpolated t-junctions resulting in edges being fused (and surface bodies being sewed together)

Example 52: Selected edges within tolerance with small faces between the edges

Example 53: Interpolated edge connect with fusing of edges and deletion of small faces

Example 54: Selected line body edges from two line bodies

Example 55: Interpolated edge connect with the Merge Bodies property set to Yes

Example 56: Selected set of faces within tolerance for Face Connect

Example 57: Face connect with the Location property set to Preserve First and T-Junction Off

Example 58: Selected set of faces within tolerance for Face Connect

Example 59: Face connect with the Location property set to Interpolated and T-Junction Off