9.3.1. Menu List

Main Menu

BladeGen Document Menu

Meridional View Popup Menu

Angle View Popup Menu

Thickness View Popup Menu

Spanwise Distribution View Popup Menu

Prs/Sct View Popup Menu

Auxiliary View Menu

Blade-To-Blade View Popup Menu

OpenGL View Popup Menu

Contour View Popup Menu

Blade Information View Popup Menu

Graph View Popup Menu

BGI File View Menu

Text File Menu Main Menu

File Submenu

View Submenu

Help Submenu File Submenu

New Submenu - See New Submenu.

Open... - Open an existing document. The filename extension is used to determine the type of window in which it should be displayed.

Find File... - Search a directory tree for BladeGen files and display results.

Print Setup... - Change the printer and printing options.

Preferences... - Display the User Preferences Dialog to allow the user to select some of the program defaults.

TextBox Messages Submenu - Re-Enable All - Re-Enable All TextBox Messages that had the ’Don’t show me this message again’ check box selected. This allows the user to see messages that had been hidden.

Recent File - Open a document from a selection of recently opened files.

Exit - Quits the application; prompts to save documents. If you have modified documents without saving, you will be prompted to save before exiting. New Submenu

BladeGen Model - Creates a new BladeGen File using the Initial Configuration Dialogs.

Data Import Wizard - Opens the Data Import Wizard to assist in assembling data for a new BladeGen Model.

Text File - Creates a new Text File. The Text File command opens a new, empty text edit window. View Submenu

Main Toolbar - Show or hide the main toolbar.

Analysis Toolbar - Display Analysis Toolbar.

Blade Toolbar - Show or hide the blade toolbar.

Auxiliary Toolbar #1 - Show or hide auxiliary view toolbar #1.

Auxiliary Toolbar #2 - Show or hide auxiliary view toolbar #2.

3D View Toolbar - Show or hide the 3D View toolbar.

Status Bar - Show or hide the status bar.

Save Positions - Save the current positions for retrieval when the program starts. Help Submenu

BladeGen - Opens BladeGen User’s Guide.

Contents - Opens BladeGen.

Tutorials - Opens BladeGen Tutorials.

About BladeGen - This gives the point releases and software patches that are installed. BladeGen Document Menu

File Submenu - See File Submenu.

Edit Submenu - See Edit Submenu.

Model Submenu - See Model Submenu.

Blade Submenu - See Blade Submenu.

Layer Submenu - The Above command changes the displayed layer to the next layer above (by span). The Below command changes the displayed layer to the next layer below (by span). These commands allow rapid changes in the displayed layer, including layers which are not defining layers.

Tools Submenu - See Tools Submenu.

Output Submenu - See Output Submenu.

Analyze Submenu - See Analyze Submenu.

View Submenu - See View Submenu.

Window Submenu - See Window Submenu.

Help Submenu - Provides access to help and program information such as the version number. Edit Submenu

Undo - Undo the last action.

Redo - Redo the previously undone action.

Point Drag Control Submenu - See Point Drag Control Submenu. Model Submenu

Properties... - Set the model properties.

Mode Submenu - See Mode Submenu.

Spanwise Calculation Submenu - See Spanwise Calculation Submenu.

Coordinate System Orientation Submenu - See Coordinate System Orientation Submenu.

Ang/Thk Beta Definition Submenu - See Ang/Thk Beta Definition Submenu.

Ang/Thk Data Direction Submenu - See Ang/Thk Data Direction Submenu.

Number Blades Sets - Display the blade set count dialog. The Number Blades Sets command displays the blade count dialog to allow the specification of the number of main blades in the blade system.

Maximum Curve Error... - Specify the maximum curve error. The Maximum Curve Error... command displays the Maximum Display Curve Error Dialog to allow the specification of the curve resolution. Mode Submenu

Ang/Thk Mode... - Define the blades by the Angle and Thickness Distributions. The Ang/Thk Mode... command changes to the Ang/Thk mode. The user is presented with a dialog which allows the choice of returning to the data already existing in the Ang/Thk mode dataset (if it exists) or generating an estimated new dataset from the Prs/Sct Mode dataset.

Prs/Sct Mode... - Define the blades by the Pressure and Suction Curves in the Prs/Sct View. The Prs/Sct Mode... command changes to the Prs/Sct mode. The user is presented with a dialog which allows the choice of returning to the data already existing in the Prs/Sct mode dataset (if it exists) or generating an estimated new dataset from the Ang/Thk Mode dataset.

Purge Unused Mode - Remove the unused mode’s data. The Purge Unused Mode command removed the data associated with the unused mode from the model. This reduces the size of the model and can increase refresh rates on slower computers. Spanwise Calculation Submenu

Geometric - Calculate the spanwise location based upon geometric rules.

Area Weighted - Calculate the spanwise location based upon geometric rules and flow area. Coordinate System Orientation Submenu

Right-handed - Select a right-handed system for design. Output is always right-handed.

Left-handed - Select a left-handed system for design. Output is always right-handed. Ang/Thk Beta Definition Submenu

Beta from Axial - Define the angle Beta from the axial direction.

Beta from Tangential - Define the angle Beta from the tangential direction. Ang/Thk Data Direction Submenu

Data from LE to TE - Display the Angle and Thickness Data from the Leading Edge to the Trailing Edge.

Data from TE to LE - Display the Angle and Thickness Data from the Trailing Edge to the Leading Edge. Blade Submenu

Main Blade - Select the main blade for display and modification. The data for this blade will then be available for editing.

Splitter 1 - Select splitter #1 for display and modification. The data for this blade will then be available for editing.

Add Splitter... - Add a new splitter (blade). The Add Splitter... command adds a new splitter at the specified pitch fraction. The user can specify that the blade should be a replicate of the main blade or independently defined.

Del Splitter - Delete the current splitter (blade). The Del Splitter command deletes the current splitter. This command is not available for the main blade.

Properties... - Modify the parameters of the current blade (splitter). The Properties... command allows the user to modify the blade’s pitch fraction and whether the blade should be a replicate of the main blade or independently defined. The pitch fraction is multiplied by 360+/nBlades and added to the theta location of each point.

Angle Spanwise Distribution Type Submenu - See Angle Spanwise Distribution Type Submenu.

Thickness Spanwise Distribution Type Submenu - See Thickness Spanwise Distribution Type Submenu.

Angle View Data Location Submenu - See Angle View Data Location Submenu.

Thickness View Data Type Submenu - See Thickness View Data Type Submenu.

PS/SS Stacking Type Submenu - See PS/SS Stacking Type Submenu. Angle Spanwise Distribution Type Submenu

General - Convert the Angle Spanwise Distribution to the General Distribution, where the user can individually control each layer of the model. This is the standard mode of operation for BladeGen.

Ruled Element - Convert the Angle Spanwise Distribution to a Ruled Element Distribution. In this mode, only the hub and shroud curve can be modified. All other layers are controlled by the hub and shroud curve.

Axial Element - Convert the Angle Spanwise Distribution to an Axial Element Distribution. In this mode, only the hub curve can be modified. All other layers are controlled by the hub curve.

Radial Element - Convert Angle Spanwise Distribution to a Radial Element Distribution. In this mode, only the hub curve can be modified. All other layers are controlled by the hub curve.

User-Defined... - Convert Angle Spanwise Distribution to User Defined, driven by the equations entered. In this mode, the user can specify how the interpolation from hub to shroud is performed. An equation and variables can be defined by the user which will be used to control all but the hub and shroud layers. Thickness Spanwise Distribution Type Submenu

General - Converts the Thickness Spanwise Distribution to the General Distribution, where the user can individually control each layer of the model. This is the standard mode of operation for BladeGen.

Axial Element - Converts the Thickness Spanwise Distribution to an Axial Element Distribution. In this mode, only the hub curve can be modified. All other layers are controlled by the hub curve.

Radial Element - Convert the Thickness Spanwise Distribution to a Radial Element Distribution. In this mode, only the hub curve can be modified. All other layers are controlled by the hub curve.

User-Defined... - Convert Thickness Spanwise Distribution to User Defined, driven by the equations entered. In this mode, the user can specify how the interpolation from hub to shroud is performed. An equation and variables can be defined by the user which will be used to control all but the hub and shroud layers.

Axial Taper Angle... - Axial Taper Angle used for Mold Release. The Axial Taper Angle... command displays a dialog to allow the user to specify a taper angle in the axial direction. The maximum taper angle is the angle that reduces the blade to 10% of its original thickness at the ’worst’ point. PS/SS Stacking Type Submenu

Stack using LE/TE - Stacks the Blade Layers based on the data and trims it to the LE/TE edges.

Stack On Curve... - Stack the Blade Layers based on the stacking curve and trim the LE/TE to preserve the blade length. Tools Submenu

Scale Model... - Scale the model by the specified scaling factor.

Shift in Z Direction... - Shift the model in the Z direction by the specified amount.

Flip Z Dimension - Flip the model in the Z direction.

Reverse Span Direction - Reverse the spanwise direction (swap hub and shroud curves) of the model.

Reverse Flow Direction - Reverse the streamwise direction (swap LE and TE curves) of the model.

Reverse Rotation Direction - Reverse the direction of rotation (reverse the theta values) of the model.

Zero Average LE Theta - Adjust the blade leading edge angles and blade offsets to minimize the leading edge theta value.

Zero Average TE Theta - Adjust the blade trailing edge angles and blade offsets to minimize the trailing edge theta value.

Setup Blade Rotation... - Display a dialog to specify the rotation axes. The Setup Blade Rotation... command displays the Blade Rotation Setup Dialog to allow the user to specify the rotation axis and angle for each blade. Individual blades (main and splitter) can have the rotation enabled or disabled.

Rotate Blades about Axes - Rotate Blades about specified Axes. This command is only available when the rotation has already been setup using the Tool | Setup Blade Rotational menu command.

Stack Blade on Centroid - Shift the blade in theta for all layers except the hub to align the centroids. The Stack Blade on Centroid command shifts the blade layers (other than the hub) in the tangential direction so as to position the centroids over the centroid of the hub layer. This operation is often desired to reduce bending stresses in axial components.

Create From Output - Recreate the model based upon the output definition. The Create From Output command overwrites the current model with one created from the output definition. The selected meridional definition is used to create the new defining layers. The Trim Definition, if it exists, is deleted. Output Submenu

Output Point Control... - Display the point control dialog to control the number of points per layer used in 3D display and export.

Output Layer Control... - Display the output layer control dialog to control the layers used in all output (3D display and export).

Use Design Profile - Create output using the design meridional curves and layers. The Use Design Profile command selects the Design Definition (Curves and Layers) for use when defining the Output Layers.

Use Trim Profile - Create output using the master meridional curves and layers. The Use Trim Profile command selects the Trim Definition (Curves and Layers) for use when defining the Output Layers.

Check Output - Check the model to optimize the output. Analyze Submenu

Surface Areas... - Display the Surface Area Dialog to calculate the throat and blade surface areas.

Mass Properties... - Calculate and display the mass properties of the model. View Submenu

Toolbars Submenu - See Toolbars Submenu.

Arrange Views Submenu - See Arrange Views Submenu.

New Auxiliary View (B2B) - Display a new auxiliary Blade-to-Blade View of the current layer.

Auxiliary View Content Submenu - See Auxiliary View Content Submenu.

Ang/Thk Plot Horizontal Axis Submenu - See Ang/Thk Plot Horizontal Axis Submenu.

Layers for Plots of ’All Layers’ Submenu - See Layers for Plots of ’All Layers’ Submenu.

Zoom/Pan Submenu - See Zoom/Pan Submenu. Zoom/Pan Submenu

Zoom In - Zoom in by a factor of 1.414.

Zoom Out - Zoom out by a factor of 1.414.

Zoom Box - Zoom to fit the data within the specified rectangle.

Zoom Fit - Zoom to fit the data within the current view.

Pan Left - Translate the model in the negative X direction (screen left).

Pan Right - Translate the model in the positive X direction (screen right).

Pan Up - Translate the model in the positive Y direction (screen upward).

Pan Down - Translate the model in the negative Y direction (screen downward). Spanwise Distribution View Popup Menu

Point Drag Control Submenu - See Point Drag Control Submenu.

Convert Points to Submenu - See Convert Points to Submenu.

Segment Type Submenu - See Segment Type Submenu.

Segment Operations Submenu - See Segment Operations Submenu.

Edit Equation... - Edit the driving equations for this distribution.

Fit to Data... - Attempt to fit the data collected before the conversion to User Defined mode. The Fit to Data... command displays the Spanwise Distribution Data Fitting Dialog to allow the user to compare the fit against previous data and to control the fitting of the data using the user-defined variables. The user can enable/disable each user-defined variable and/or set maximum and minimum values.

Save Fitting Data... - Save the fitting data for later use. The Save Fitting Data... command displays the File Save Dialog to allow the user to specify the filename of a file to be used to save the fitting data for later use.

Load Fitting Data... - Load the fitting data from a file. The Load Fitting Data... command displays the File Open Dialog to allow the user to specify the filename of a previously saved file to be used to specify the fitting data.

Show Curves Submenu - Hub - Toggle the display of the hub value curve on/off. Shroud - Toggle the display of the shroud value curve on/off.

Automatic Scaling - Scale the values by factors of 10 to minimize spread. The Automatic Scaling command toggles the automatic scaling of the curves. The automatic scaling is done to minimize the range of values in the scale by multiplying the vertical values by a power of 10.

Show Legend - Toggle the display of the legend on/off.

Swap Axes - Swap the horizontal and vertical axes of the selected graph.

Proportional Axes - Toggle the proportionality setting of the graph axes on/off.

Layer Control... - Display the Layer Control Dialog for the current Spanwise Definition. The user can create layers and/or check or uncheck the check box to signify which layers will be used for the Definition. When both new layers are added and current layers are removed, the checked layers are added before the unchecked layers are removed.

Spanwise Distribution Type Submenu - See Spanwise Distribution Type Submenu.

Copy View Image/Data to Clipboard - Copy the Current View’s Image and/or Data to the Clipboard (in text, bitmap, or metafile formats). This allows transfer of data to reports, spreadsheets, and presentations for documentation of the blade design.

Zoom Fit - Zoom to fit the data within the current view. Prs/Sct View Popup Menu

Adjust Bezier Curves... - Recreate the layer from the parameters in the Bezier Blade Dialog.

Point Drag Control Submenu - See Point Drag Control Submenu.

Convert Points to Submenu - See Convert Points to Submenu.

Segment Type Submenu - See Segment Type Submenu.

Segment Operations Submenu - See Segment Operations Submenu.

Select All Curves - Select All Curves to allow dragging of the curve system. This function can be used in combination with the Drag Control menu command to control the direction in which the curves are moved.

Stack using LE/TE - Stacks the Blade Layers based on the data and trims it to the LE/TE edges.

Stack On Curve... - Stack the Blade Layers based on the stacking curve and trim the LE/TE to preserve the blade length.

Set Stacking Parameters... - Modify the stacking parameters. The Set Stacking Parameters... command displays the Stacking Parameter Dialog to allow the user to control the parameters of the stacking for the current layer.

Show Rotated - Show a ’Stack On Curve’ Blade with data rotated by the specified rotation angle.

Show Actual Data - Show a ’Stack On Curve’ Blade with data NOT rotated by the specified rotation angle.

Meanline Settings Submenu - See Meanline Settings Submenu.

Show LE/TE - Toggle the display of the leading and trailing edges on/off.

Configure LE/TE - Display the leading and trailing edge configuration dialog for the current blade (or splitter). Users can specify the elliptical ratio of the leading and/or trailing edges or specify a simple cut-off.

Layer Control... - Display the Layer Control Dialog for the current Pressure/Suction Definition. The user can create layers and/or check or uncheck the check box to signify which layers will be used for the Pressure/Suction Definition. When both new layers are added and current layers are removed, the checked layers are added before the unchecked layers are removed.

Layer Submenu - The Above command changes the displayed layer to the next layer above (by span). The Below command changes the displayed layer to the next layer below (by span). These commands allow rapid changes in the displayed layer, including layers which are not defining layers.

Copy View Image/Data to Clipboard - Copy the Current View’s Image and/or Data to the Clipboard (in text, bitmap, or metafile formats). This allows transfer of data to reports, spreadsheets, and presentations for documentation of the blade design.

Zoom Fit - Zoom to fit the data within the current view. Meanline Settings Submenu

Point Count, This Layer... - Specify the number of points used in the meanline curve (which is fitted to the two side curves). Modifying this value can improve the fitting of the side curves under some circumstances.

Point Count, All Layers... - Specify the number of points used in the meanline curve for all layers (which is fitted to the two side curves). OpenGL View Popup Menu

Layer Submenu - The Above command changes the displayed layer to the next layer above (by span). The Below command changes the displayed layer to the next layer below (by span). These commands allow rapid changes in the displayed layer, including layers which are not defining layers.

New Auxiliary View (B2B) - Display a new auxiliary Blade-to-Blade View of the current layer.

Auxiliary View Content Submenu - See Auxiliary View Content Submenu.

Display Group Control... - Display a dialog box to control the display of groups of objects.

Display Submenu - See Display Submenu.

Surface Display Submenu - See Surface Display Submenu.

Clip Submenu - See Clip Submenu.

Zoom Submenu - See Zoom Submenu.

Translate Submenu - See Translate Submenu.

Rotate Submenu - See Rotate Submenu.

Align Submenu - See Align Submenu.

Replication Submenu - See Replication Submenu.

Perspective - Toggle the perspective on/off.

Light Control... - Display the Light Control Dialog to allow specification of all parameters for each of the eight lights in OpenGL.

Shaded Material Mode Submenu - See Shaded Material Mode Submenu.

Front Material Def... - Edit the material properties using the Material Color Dialog.

Back Material Def... - Edit the material properties using the Material Color Dialog.

Animate - Animate the model. The Animate command initiates the animation of the model, based upon the parameters specified in the Animation Setup Dialog.

Animation Setup... - Setup the animation parameters. The Animation Setup... command displays the animation parameters in the Animation Setup Dialog. These parameters allow the user to specify the rotation of the model about various axes and the refresh rate of the display.

Printing Pixel Factor... - Set the ratio of pixels in bitmap to pixels in image.

Copy View Image/Data to Clipboard - Copy the Current View’s Image and/or Data to the Clipboard (in text, bitmap, or metafile formats). This allows transfer of data to reports, spreadsheets, and presentations for documentation of the blade design.

Update Model - Update the model used to generate the 3D display from the current definition.

Zoom Fit - Zoom to fit the data within the current view. Display Submenu

Model Axis - Toggle the display of the Model Axis on/off.

Coordinate System - Toggle the display of the Model Coordinate System on/off.

Points - Toggle the display of point objects on/off. Surface Display Submenu

Wireframe - Display the model as wireframe.

Meshed - Display the model as wireframe with surface mesh.

Shaded - Display the model as wireframe with shaded surfaces. Clip Submenu

Setup - Display the Clipping Plane Dialog to specify the parameters of each of the six clipping planes.

Enable 1 - Toggle the display of clipping plane #1 on/off. Clipping planes cut the model on a geometric plane, displaying only the part of the model on one side of the plane.

Select 1 - Link the movement of clipping plane #1 to the depressed mouse wheel motion. The Select 1 command links the movement of clipping plane #1 to the depressed mouse wheel motion. The clipping plane will move along its normal when the user depresses the mouse wheel and then rolls it forward or backward. Care must be taken to insure that the mouse wheel remains depressed during this operation, or the wheel will revert to its normal zoom function. This feature is supported on Windows NT only. Zoom Submenu

Fit - Zoom to fit the data within the current view.

Box - Zoom to fit the data within the specified rectangle.

In - Zoom in by a factor of 1.414.

Out - Zoom out by a factor of 1.414. Translate Submenu

Left - Translate the model in the negative X direction (screen left).

Right - Translate the model in the positive X direction (screen right).

Up - Translate the model in the positive Y direction (screen upward).

Down - Translate the model in the negative Y direction (screen downward).

In - Translate the model in the positive Z direction (towards screen).

Out - Translate the model in the negative Z direction (away from screen). Rotate Submenu

X+ - Rotate the model about the screen X axis (screen horizontal, to the right) in the positive direction (right hand rule) by 15+.

X- - Rotate the model about the screen X axis (screen horizontal, to the right) in the negative direction (right hand rule) by 15+.

Y+ - Rotate the model about the screen Y axis (screen vertical, upward) in the positive direction (right hand rule) by 15+.

Y- - Rotate the model about the screen Y axis (screen vertical, upward) in the negative direction (right hand rule) by 15+.

Z+ - Rotate the model about the screen Z axis (out of screen) in the positive direction (counter-clockwise using the right hand rule) by 15+.

Z- - Rotate the model about the screen Z axis (out of screen) in the negative direction (clockwise using the right hand rule) by 15+. Align Submenu

Along X - Orient the model so that it is viewed along the X axis.

Along Y - Orient the model so that it is viewed along the Y axis.

Along Z - Orient the model so that it is viewed along the Z axis.

Isometric - Orient the model in a isometric orientation.

Flip - Rotate the model about the vertical axis 180 degrees, so as to look at the back side. Replication Submenu

Original Only - Display only the original objects.

One Replica - Display the original objects and the first replicate (rotated by 360°/nRep).

All Replicates - Display the original objects and all replicates. Shaded Material Mode Submenu

Front Only - Display only the front faces of the surfaces. (Not recommended with cuts). The Front Only command sets the OpenGL settings so that only surfaces with normals toward the user are drawn. This setting increases the frame rate, but is not recommended with the cutting planes, since the ’inside’ of the blade will not be drawn.

Front/Back Same - Display the front and back of surfaces the same (default). The Front/Back Same command sets the OpenGL settings so that all surfaces are drawn and the front and back of the surfaces use the same material definition. This is the default setting.

Front/Back Unique - Use separate material properties for the front and back of surfaces. The Front/Back Unique command sets the OpenGL setting so that all surfaces are drawn and the front and back of the surfaces use separate material definitions. This allows the ’inside’ of the part to be colored differently (darker) than the ’outside’. Blade Information View Popup Menu

Layer Submenu - The Above command changes the displayed layer to the next layer above (by span). The Below command changes the displayed layer to the next layer below (by span). These commands allow rapid changes in the displayed layer, including layers which are not defining layers.

New Auxiliary View (B2B) - Display a new auxiliary Blade-to-Blade View of the current layer.

Auxiliary View Content Submenu - See Auxiliary View Content Submenu.

Include Throat Calculation - Toggle the display of the throat calculations on/off.

Font Size - Sets the point size of the font.

Copy View Image/Data to Clipboard - Copy the Current View’s Image and/or Data to the Clipboard (in text, bitmap, or metafile formats). This allows transfer of data to reports, spreadsheets, and presentations for documentation of the blade design.

Zoom Fit - Zoom to fit the data within the current view. BGI File View Menu

File Submenu - See File Submenu.

Edit Submenu - See Edit Submenu.

View Submenu - See View Submenu.

Window Submenu - See Window Submenu.

Help Submenu - Provides access to help and program information such as the version number. File Submenu

New Submenu - See New Submenu.

Open... - Open an existing document. The filename extension is used to determine the type of window in which it should be displayed.

Close - Close the active document (window).

Save - Save the active document. The Save command saves the document in the active window to disk. If the document is unnamed, the Save File As dialog box is displayed so you can name the file, and choose where it is to be saved.

Save As... - Save the active document with a new name. The Save As... command allows the user to save a document under a new name, or in a new location on disk. The command displays the Save File As dialog box. The user can enter the new file name, including the drive and directory. All windows containing this file are updated with the new name. If an existing file name is chosen, the user will be asked for confirmation to overwrite the file.

Find File... - Search a directory tree for BladeGen files and display results.

Print... - Print the active document. The Print... command prints the contents of the active window (or view). Use File | Print Preview... to see how the document will be laid out on printer pages. Use File | Print Setup... to select a printer, and to set printer options. Use File | Export | Report... to output a detailed report of a BladeGen model.

Print Preview - Display full pages. The Print Preview command opens a special window that shows how the active document will appear when printed. The preview window shows one or two pages of the active document as they would look when printed.

Print Setup... - Change the printer and printing options. The Print Setup... command displays the Printer Setup dialog box which allows you to select and configure the printer to be used to print documents in the application.

Preferences... - Display the User Preferences Dialog to allow the user to select some of the program defaults.

TextBox Messages Submenu - Re-Enable All - Re-Enable All TextBox Messages that had the ’Don’t show me this message again’ check box selected. This allows the user to see messages that had been hidden.

Recent File - Open a document from a selection of recently opened files.

Exit - Quits the application; prompts to save documents. If you have modified documents without saving, you will be prompted to save before exiting. New Submenu

BladeGen Model - Creates a new BladeGen File using the Initial Configuration Dialogs.

Data Import Wizard - Opens the Data Import Wizard to assist in assembling data for a new BladeGen Model.

Text File - Creates a new Text File. The Text File command opens a new, empty text edit window. Edit Submenu

Delete - Erase the selection.

Edit Equations Before - Edit the equations before the first parameter. The Edit Equations Before command displays the Equation Edit Dialog to allow editing of the equations that appear before the object or parameter.

Edit Equations Inside - Edit the equations after the object/parameter. The Edit Equations Inside command displays the Equation Edit Dialog to allow editing of the equations that appear after the object or parameter.

Add All Parameters - All all parameters that do not current exist. The Add All Parameters command adds all parameters that do not current exist from the prototype, using the default values.

Edit Data - Edit the data points in the data object. The Edit Data command displays the Point Data Edit Dialog to allow creation, modification, and deletion of data points.

Edit Value - Edit the value of the selected parameter. The Edit Value command displays the Edit Value Dialog to allow the editing of the value of the selected parameter.

Sort Object’s Children - Sort the children of this object to match the prototype. The Sort Object’s Children command sorts the children of this object to match the prototype.

Sort File - Sort the file to match the prototype. The Sort File command sorts the entire file to match the prototype.

Check File... - Check the file for errors. The Check File... command checks the file for errors and displays them to the user. View Submenu

Toolbars Submenu - See Toolbars Submenu.

Arrange Views Submenu - See Arrange Views Submenu.

Refresh Model Display - Refresh the model display (right view). The Refresh Model Display command transfers the definition of the tree view (left view) to the Model View (right view) for display. This allows the user to visualize the results of changes to the file. Text File Menu

File Submenu - See File Submenu.

Edit Submenu - See Edit Submenu.

View Submenu - See Toolbars Submenu.

Window Submenu - See Window Submenu.

Help Submenu - Provides access to program information such as the version number. Edit Submenu

Undo - Undo the last action.

Cut - Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard.

Copy - Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard.

Paste - Insert Clipboard contents into the document at the cursor.

Delete - Erase the selection.

Find... - Find the specified text.

Find Next - Repeat the last find action.

Replace... - Replace specific text with different text.

Select All - Select the entire document.