This window lets you dezone a 2D or 3D Lagrange or ALE Part.
Dezoning involves combining a number of cells in a fine grid into single cells of a coarser grid.

- I-factor
The number of cells in the I direction you want to combine into a single cell. This total number of cells in the I direction (IMAX-1) must be exactly divisible by this number.
- J-factor
The number of cells in the J direction you want to combine into a single cell. This total number of cells in the J direction (JMAX-1) must be exactly divisible by this number.
- K-factor
The number of cells in the K direction you want to combine into a single cell. This total number of cells in the K direction (KMAX-1) must be exactly divisible by this number.
- Dezone Range
In these six fields, enter the range over which the dezone should be performed.