This window lets you dezone a 2D or 3D Euler (Ideal gas) or Euler (Multi-material) Part.
Dezoning involves combining a number of cells in a fine grid into single cells of a coarser grid.
- I-factor
The number of cells in the I direction you want to combine into a single cell. This total number of cells in the I direction (IMAX-1) must be exactly divisible by this number.
- J-factor
The number of cells in the J direction you want to combine into a single cell. This total number of cells in the J direction (JMAX-1) must be exactly divisible by this number.
- Update grid size?
Select Yes if you want the IJ index range of the Part to be reduced automatically to reflect the dezone. If you select No, the index range will remain unchanged, with the higher indexed cells becoming unused.
- K-factor (3D only)
The number of cells in the K direction you want to combine into a single cell. This total number of cells in the K direction (KMAX-1) must be exactly divisible by this number.