10.13.7. Parts - Solvers (Structured) - Solution (3D SPH)

This window lets you set solution options for 3D SPH Parts. The default settings are the recommended settings.

Quadratic viscosity

The coefficient of quadratic viscosity you want to use for SPH computations.

Linear viscosity

The coefficient of linear viscosity you want to use for SPH computations.

Smoothing Length

Specify whether you want to use a constant or variable smoothing length. Using a variable smoothing length is not recommended for most calculations.

Interface treatment

Specify if you want to use Impact/Separation calculations for the treatment of interfaces between different SPH regions.

Work Unit Options
Work Unit Size

The work unit size (as a multiple of the smoothing length) you want to use for SPH calculations. The value you enter here can significantly affect the efficiency of SPH calculations.

Buffer Zone Size

The buffer zone size (as a multiple of the smoothing length) you want to use for SPH calculations. The value you enter here can significantly affect the efficiency of SPH calculations.

Note:  The current implementation of the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics solver has the following limitation for Rigid Body Rotations:

  • The conservation of angular momentum can not always be guaranteed.