This window lets you set solution options for 3D SPH Parts. The default settings are the recommended settings.
- Quadratic viscosity
The coefficient of quadratic viscosity you want to use for SPH computations.
- Linear viscosity
The coefficient of linear viscosity you want to use for SPH computations.
- Smoothing Length
Specify whether you want to use a constant or variable smoothing length. Using a variable smoothing length is not recommended for most calculations.
- Interface treatment
Specify if you want to use Impact/Separation calculations for the treatment of interfaces between different SPH regions.
- Work Unit Options
- Work Unit Size
The work unit size (as a multiple of the smoothing length) you want to use for SPH calculations. The value you enter here can significantly affect the efficiency of SPH calculations.
- Buffer Zone Size
The buffer zone size (as a multiple of the smoothing length) you want to use for SPH calculations. The value you enter here can significantly affect the efficiency of SPH calculations.
Note: The current implementation of the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics solver has the following limitation for Rigid Body Rotations:
The conservation of angular momentum can not always be guaranteed.