10.1.5. Parts - New - Define Zoning (3D)

This window lets you Define the zoning for your 3D Part.

  • Box


    The number of cells (elements) you want to use in the I, J and K directions. The corresponding number of nodes and elements required for your part will be displayed below.

    Grade zoning

    Check the boxes if you want to grade your zoning in any direction.

    If you choose this option you can specify a range of cells which have a fixed size. The remaining cells will be smoothly graded to fit the overall dimension of the box you specified in the previous window.

    • Fixed size

      The dimension you want to use for the fixed size cells.

    • Times

      The number of fixed size cells you want to use.

    • Position

      Specify where you want to place the fixed size cells relative to the full I/J/K range.


      At the center of the full I/J/K range.


      At the lower end of the I/J/K range.


      At the upper end of the I/J/K range.

  • Cylinder

    Mesh Type

    Select a Type 1 or Type 2 mesh for your cylinder.

    The type 1 mesh is more efficient in using elements, but some elements are not very rectangular (which can reduce the accuracy of your solution).

    All the elements of a type 2 mesh are reasonably rectangular, but about a quarter of the elements generated for this mesh are unused.

    Cells across radius

    The number of cells (elements) you want to use across the radius of your cylinder.

    Cells along length

    The number of cells (elements) you want to use along the length of your cylinder.

    Number of elements

    Displayed below the above input fields are the index space that will be used for your Part and the number of nodes and elements required.

    Grade zoning along length

    Check this box if you want to grade the zoning along the length of your cylinder (you will be asked to specify a starting increment to use).

  • Ogive

    Mesh Type

    Select a Type 1 or Type 2 mesh for your ogive.

    The type 1 mesh is more efficient in using elements, but some elements are not very rectangular (which can reduce the accuracy of your solution).

    All the elements of a type 2 mesh are reasonably rectangular, but some of the elements generated for this mesh are unused.

    Cells across radius

    The number of cells (elements) you want to use across the radius of your ogive.

    Number of elements

    Displayed below the input fields is the index space that will be used for your Part and the number of nodes and elements required.

  • Sphere

    Mesh Type

    Select a Type 1 or Type 2 mesh for your sphere.

    The type 1 mesh is more efficient in using elements, but some elements are not very rectangular (which can reduce the accuracy of your solution).

    All the elements of a type 2 mesh are reasonably rectangular, but some of the elements generated for this mesh are unused.

    Cells across radius

    The number of cells (elements) you want to use across the radius of your sphere. For solid spheres, there is a maximum limit of 40 cells across the radius. For finer meshes than this, it is recommended that you use the Meshing application, where a hex mesh can be obtained by using the multi-zone and inflation layer operations. For more information see Autodyn Walkthrough Using Meshing in this guide.

    Number of elements

    Displayed below the input fields is the index space that will be used for your Part and the number of nodes and elements required.

  • Hex

    Cells in I/J/K direction

    The number of cells (elements) you want to use in the I, J, and K directions. The corresponding number of nodes and elements required for your part will be displayed below.


    Spaces the internal nodes equipotentially.


    Spaces the nodes in a straight line equally along each I, J, and K line.

    Geometric Ratios

    Input geometric ratios in the fields provided if you want to grade the zoning instead of generating equally spaced nodes.

  • Frag/Brick

    Number of elements in each fragment/brick

    Use these fields to set the number of elements per fragment/brick in the X, Y, and Z directions.

    Fill mortar with unused?

    Check this box if you do not want the mortar to be represented as a material.

    • If you check this box, no elements will be generated for the mortar.

    • If you do not check this box, elements will be generated for the mortar. (If the mortar thickness is small compared to the dimension of the brick elements, the time step is likely to be reduced significantly.)