10.1.6. Parts - New - Define Zoning (3D Shell)

This window lets you Define the zoning for your Shell Part.

  • Plane


    The number of cells (elements) you want to use in the X, Y, Z directions. The corresponding number of nodes and elements required for your part will be displayed below.

    Grade zoning

    Check the boxes if you want to grade your zoning in any direction.

    If you choose this option you can specify a range of cells which have a fixed size. The remaining cells will be smoothly graded to fit the overall dimension of the box you specified in the previous window.

    Fixed size

    The dimension you want to use for the fixed size cells.


    The number of fixed size cells you want to use.


    Specify where you want to place the fixed size cells relative to the full I/J/K range.


    At the center of the full I/J/K range.


    At the lower end of the I/J/K range.


    At the upper end of the I/J/K range.

  • Cylinder

    Cells about circumference

    The number of cells (elements) you want to use about the circumference of your cylinder.

    Cells along length

    The number of cells (elements) you want to use along the length of your cylinder.

    Number of elements

    Displayed below the above two input fields is the index space that will be used for your Part and the number of nodes and elements required.

    Grade zoning along length

    Check this box if you want to grade the zoning along the length of your cylinder (you will be asked to specify a starting increment to use).