ATM3D is an alternative meshing approach to ATM. Whereas the original ATM meshing process uses a quasi-3D mesh smoothing process, ATM3D uses a full 3D mesh smoothing process. The goal of ATM3D is to ultimately produce a higher quality mesh, particularly for cases that are challenging for ATM.
Initially, ATM3D is not active by default. To use it by default, select Edit >
Options, then, in the
Options dialog box, with TurboGrid
selected in the tree, select
Use ATM3D Meshing By Default and click OK.
This preference takes effect the next time you start TurboGrid.
For a given case, you can activate ATM3D by opening Topology Set
and setting Mesh Generation Mode to ATM3D
Limitations of ATM3D
Geometry: Cut-off blade geometry is not supported: If the geometry has a cut-off blade, ATM3D is turned off regardless of the Use ATM3D Meshing By Default preference setting. For details, see Cut-off or square.
Layers: Compared to ATM, ATM3D has less need to adjust the number of layers. When using ATM3D, the
object's Layers tab > Intermediate Layers > Insertion Mode setting can only be set toManual - Uniform
. You can only change the number of intermediate layers via the Count setting. For details, see Defining Intermediate Layers.Layers: Unlike the ATM approach, ATM3D does not have a setting to change the type of the spanwise mesh interpolation guide curves that connect the layers. For details, see Spanwise Mesh Interpolation Guide Curves.
Mesh Data: Inserting/editing edge splits is not supported. For details, see Changing the Number of Elements on a Selected Master Topology Edge.
Also see Table 10.2: Mesh Generation Mode Comparison.
If you encounter high aspect ratio elements along the leading/trailing edge, or elements with poor angles:
Try adjusting the number of layers.
Try increasing the value of parameter
Domain Meshing Smoothing Iterations After Remesh
. This parameter is accessed by right-clicking the3D Mesh
object and selecting Edit in Command Editor.
With ATM3D, layers show neither the refined boundary layer mesh around the blade nor the blade tip mesh. You can, as usual, inspect the mesh using the
3D Mesh
>Show Mesh