10.4.9. ATM v2

The ATM v2 mesh generation mode is intended to be an improved version of the ATM mesh generation mode, and can generally be used as an alternative to the ATM mesh generation mode.

ATM v2 supports meshing with high-fidelity geometry, to support geometric features such as complex blade ends. However, adding a complex blade end can limit support for other geometric features.

Some templates require ATM v2 mesh generation. For example, the following templates require ATM v2:

Templates for Kaplan Turbines having a square trailing edge and a blade stagger angle around 90 degrees

  • Single Round Square TE

  • Single Refined Round Square TE (with topology refinement around the leading edge)

Templates for Francis turbine blades having a square trailing edge

  • Single Round Square TE Francis Low

  • Single Splitter Round Square TE Francis Low

ATM v2 supports meshing with high-fidelity geometry. However, unless the selected template requires ATM v2, ATM3D is the preferred mesh generation mode for meshing with high-fidelity geometry.

A comparison of the mesh generation modes is given in Table 10.2: Mesh Generation Mode Comparison.