12.2. Sources of High-Fidelity Geometry for TurboGrid

High-fidelity geometry, together with low-fidelity geometry, may be obtained by:

  • Importing CAD

    Outside of the unstructured mesh blocks surrounding high-fidelity geometric features, the low-fidelity geometry and high-fidelity geometry must be the same to avoid kinks or jumps at the interfaces between structured and unstructured mesh blocks.

    Note that BladeEditor can serve as a source of CAD geometry for import into TurboGrid. In particular, BladeEditor blades can be sent to TurboGrid as CAD data by making a cell connection in Workbench from the Geometry cell (that represents BladeEditor) to the Turbo Mesh cell (that represents TurboGrid).

  • Generating CAD by Importing an NDF File

    You can import an NDF file, causing a CAD definition to be generated then loaded. The selected blade row is loaded at the end of the import process; any other blade rows in the CAD definition remain available to be loaded. For details, see Defining Geometry from Generated CAD: CAD From NDF.

  • Generating CAD from Profile Points and Optional Blade CAD Feature Specifications

    You can generate CAD based on profile points. For details, see Defining Geometry from Generated CAD: CAD From Profile Points.

    CAD generated based on profile points may contain blade CAD feature specifications such as blade blends and partial tips. For details, see Blade CAD Features.