Setting Up a Coupled Analysis Directory Structure

Set up a directory structure where you will run System Coupling and store the analysis files generated and used by System Coupling and coupling participants.

Placement of the Directory Structure

Ensure that you create the coupled analysis directory structure outside of any Workbench project directories. Even if a participant's setup is performed in Workbench, the coupled analysis is not managed by Workbench. Everything related to the coupled analysis should be stored or executed in a directory independent of Workbench processes.

Recommended Directory Structure

The recommended directory structure for a coupled analysis is as follows:

  • Coupled analysis working directory

    • Participant 1 working directory

    • Participant 2 working directory

    • Participant 3 working directory

The parts of the recommended directory structure are described below:

Coupled analysis working directory:

Also called "System Coupling's working directory" or the "co-simulation working directory."

Serves as the working directory for the coupled analysis and is System Coupling's run directory.

This is where System Coupling:

  • Accesses Shutdown (scStop) files

  • Automatically creates the SyC subdirectory for its own output files:

    • Settings and Restart files

    • Log (scLog.scl) files

    • Any additional diagnostic or results files that may be generated

    • Automatically creates a Results subdirectory for its EnSight-compatible output files.

    • If Python functions will be added for use in expressions, the manual creation of a Modules subdirectory is necessary.

Participant working directories:

For each participant, the coupled analysis working directory should contain a participant working directory to store coupled analysis setup, input, and output files.

Each Ansys participant should write its solver input and System Coupling Participant (.scp) setup files to its working directory. If you move participant files manually, be sure to place them in this directory.

This is where a participant solver:

  • Writes its coupling setup file (for example, .scp and .ftsim files)

  • Writes and accesses its solver input files (for example, .cas.h5, .dat, .def, and .ftsim files)

  • Directs its coupling-related output, such as participant logs and transcripts

  • Directs its solver-specific output and results files

This is where System Coupling:

  • Accesses System Coupling Participant (.scp) setup files

A coupling participant's working directory is set by its ExecutionControl | WorkingDirectory setting in the data model. For details, see WorkingDirectory in the System Coupling Settings and Commands Reference documentation.