Completing Participant Setups

Finish setting up the physics and coupling-specific settings for participants to be included in the coupled analysis. For each participant, open the product and perform the following steps:

  1. Complete the fluid, solid, or electromagnetic physics setup.

    During the coupled analysis, System Coupling manages participant solutions. However, you should ensure that each participant can solve successfully on its own before being included in the coupled analysis.

    • When using same material(s) in multiple participants, take care to ensure that common properties are consistently defined.

    • When defining motion on a coupled region, ensure that the motion is defined consistently for both participants.

    • Directory paths and object names (for interfaces, participants, regions, and variables) must be in ASCII format. Object names also cannot include forward slashes (/).

    • For more information, see Additional Participant Setup Considerations.

    For suggestions on how to ensure that your coupled analysis runs smoothly, see Building Up to a Coupled Analysis.

  2. Configure coupling-specific settings to enable coupling.

    • For CFX and Fluent, this involves creating one or more boundary conditions.

    • For Forte, this involves selecting the Enable System Coupling check box for one or more boundary conditions.

    • For Mechanical, this involves creating a System Coupling Region.

    • For Maxwell, this involves creating a System Coupling Setup.

    For more information on a given participant's settings, use the links in Supported Coupling Participants to access its documentation.

    Important:  Depending on the type of analysis being performed, additional participant physics or coupling setup steps may be required. For more information, see Additional Participant Setup Considerations and Common Engineering Applications for System Coupling.