Restarting a Coupled Analysis

You can restart a completed or interrupted coupled analysis run, either from the final restart point or from an intermediate restart point. Restarts require relevant files from System Coupling and each of the coupling participants.

Note:  Some participants may not allow restarts. For example, Mechanical participants do not support restarts for steady-state thermal and transient thermal analyses.

If any coupling participant does not support restarts, then restarts are disabled for the coupled analysis. A participant's restart capabilities may vary according to the type of analysis being performed.

To restart an interrupted analysis, perform the following steps:

  1. Generate restart files.

    Information needed to restart the System Coupling is contained in the Restart files generated by System Coupling during the run.

    Information needed to restart the coupling participants, as well as the act of restarting those participants, are managed by the participants themselves.

    Tip:  To ensure that participant solvers are writing restart data at synchronized coupling steps, the creation of restart points is controlled by System Coupling. For details on how a given participant handles restarts, use the links provided in Supported Coupling Participants for System Coupling in Workbench or Supported Coupling Participants to access its documentation.

  2. Execute the restart run.

    Once the coupled analysis run is finished or interrupted, or if the solution fails, you can restart the run from any of the saved restart points. The same restart point must be used by System Coupling and all coupling participants.

    If you've saved changes to analysis settings for System Coupling and/or any participant except for Mechanical, then the changes are written to a Settings file and included in the restarted run.

    Details for the restarted run are appended to the end of the existing scLog.scl file.

Note:  Convergence history for a restarted run is generally not identical to that observed in a continuous run. The following factors contribute to changes in convergence:

  • Participants are not guaranteed to deliver identical behavior.

  • Interfaces are remapped upon restart, potentially changing the interpolation weights.

  • Changes in convergence behavior do not produce different results, provided that solutions and data transfers are fully converged within the coupling steps.

For context-specific information on restarts, see: