Mapping Process

System Coupling's mapping process consists of two phases: the creation of associations between source and target meshes, and the generation of data on target mesh locations. Mapping is performed whenever System Coupling receives new participant meshes, which may be when the analysis is initialized and/or when participant meshes are resubmitted, as described below:

Mapping at Coupled Analysis Initialization

In most coupled analyses, coupling participants serve their initial meshes only once, at the beginning of a run (either the initial run or a restarted run), when the coupled analysis is initialized.

The resulting mapping is used for all subsequent coupling steps and iterations in the analysis. Mapping diagnostics for all mapped interfaces are written to System Coupling's Transcript, in the Mapping Summary section at the beginning of the first coupling step.

Note:  When a coupled analysis is restarted, if it contains at least one AEDT participant, mapping is not performed during initialization.

Mapping at the Beginning of a Coupling Step

When an AEDT participant updates its mesh and resubmits it to System Coupling, this triggers other coupling participants to resubmit their meshes. Mapping occurs at the beginning of a coupling step each time participant meshes change, as follows:

  • If initialization mapping did not occur, then the initial mesh import and generation of mapping weights occur at the beginning of the first iteration of the first coupling step.

  • If the mesh has changed (either from the initial mesh or from the mesh used in a previous step), then participant meshes are reimported and the mapping weights are recalculated at the start of the first iteration of the current coupling step. The resulting mapping is used for all subsequent coupling steps and iterations until the mesh changes again.

  • If the mesh has not changed, then the current mapping is used for all subsequent coupling steps and iterations until the mesh changes again.