
Saves a snapshot of the current state of the coupled analysis. Simulation state files are written to a .zip archive to the SyCSnapshots subdirectory in System Coupling's working directory.

The snapshot includes all the files and directories stored within the coupled analysis working directory which are necessary to open the simulation to the saved state: the SyC directory and the working directories of all loading coupling participants. Before saving the snapshot, System Coupling saves the current data model.

Note:  If files required to restore the simulation state are not stored within the coupled analysis working directory, they will not be included in the snapshot.

Cannot be run after participants have been started. This command will raise an exception if another instance of System Coupling is solving in the current working directory.

Essential Keyword Arguments

SnapshotName : string

Required. String specifying the name of the snapshot to be created.

Optional Keyword Arguments

OverwriteSnapshotName : bool

Optional. Boolean argument indiating whether an existing snapshot of the same name will be overwritten

Possible values:

  • False: The existing snapshot will not be overwritten. A warning message will indicate that the new snapshot will not be saved. (default value)

  • True: The existing snapshot will be overwritten by the new snapshot.

Return Type



Example 57: Save a snapshot


Example 58: Overwrite an existing snapshot

SaveSnapshot(SnapshotName='transient', OverwriteExisting=True)