Splitting a Block by Extending an Edge or Loop of Edges

  1. Click the Select Edge tool guide.
  2. Select an edge or loop of edges to extend through a block. In certain swept block situations, if the selected edge is across the source face, it will be swept to the target face immediately to preserve the mapped side faces of the swept block.
  3. In certain free block situations, select a target block or face for the split. The target may be free or mapped.
    Note: The source loop and target face must be in the same free block in a single body, with a direct boundary connection between source and target.
    The Snap associated vertices option is available under Split Options. This option is enabled by default. Vertices created by the split function will be automatically projected to the nearest geometry curve. Disable this option to prevent automatic association. You may then create the association manually. This is useful when splitting blocking on a thin, curved body.
    You can also optionally select Convert swept/mappable regions to convert the split regions into mapped or swept blocks wherever possible.