Ansys Add-In

SpaceClaim and Ansys provide a combined solution that you can use to simplify CAD models for analysis. With this add-in, you can send a model that was imported or created in SpaceClaim to Ansys Workbench, Ansys Mechanical, Ansys DesignModeler, or any other integrated Ansys products. The geometry is sent into Ansys along with any driving parameters or analysis specific attributes (spot welds, midsurfaces thicknesses, etc) that you have defined. Driving parameters can be edited within Ansys to run sets of iterative analyses.

The basic process is simple:

  1. Import a CAD model into SpaceClaim.

  2. Simplify and modify the model for analysis.

  3. Define parameters and named selections that you can use in Ansys.

  4. Send data to Ansys by starting Ansys Workbench and creating a geometry cell:

    • To work with an existing design, click Import Geometry in Ansys and choose an existing SCDOC file, then use Edit Geometry to launch SpaceClaim with that document loaded.

    • To start a new design, click New SpaceClaim Geometry in Ansys to launch SpaceClaim with an empty design.

  5. Modify and send data between SpaceClaim and Ansys, and rerun the tests as often as necessary.

  6. Return the validated design options or recommended changes to the designer when testing is complete.