Ansys Workbench Settings

There are many user preferences in Workbench that control geometry transfer. The settings supported by SpaceClaim are explained below.

Workbench setting Description
Parameter Processing

The following parameters are transferred:

  • Part parameters: Only includes the sheet metal parameters for thickness, inner radius, and kFactor if the part is a sheet metal part. These are transferred with the names, Sheet.Thickness, Sheet.InnerRadius, and Sheet.kFactor.
  • Assembly parameters: Groups for the active window (belonging to the root part) that have a dimension.

If you have more than one part occurrence for the same primary part in SpaceClaim (for example, 4 wheels in a car assembly), then part parameters are only transferred for the first occurrence. The parameters for each part node are not transferred because Simulation allows you to set contradictory parameters on different nodes, even if they share the same geometry.

The Parameter Processing option also controls whether parameters are applied if they have been changed in Simulation and then the Update: Use Simulation Parameter Values command has been executed.

New assembly parameters are applied in the order that dimension groups are listed in the Groups panel in SpaceClaim. You can change this order by dragging a group to a new location in the list.

Personal Parameter Key The Personal Parameter Key is a string that can match the start or the end of the parameter name. You can specify more than one key separated by semicolons. By default, SpaceClaim groups have no parameter prefixes.
Named Selection Processing SpaceClaim does not transfer vertex members because CAD Associativity for vertices is not supported at this time.
Named Selection Prefixes

Supported by SpaceClaim.

Materials Property Transfer

Supported by SpaceClaim.

CAD Associativity

This option may slow things down, which is why there is a preference to turn it off. With SpaceClaim, the performance difference should be negligible, so you should keep it enabled.

Import Coordinate Systems

Coordinate systems belonging to the root part are transferred.

Import Work Points Spot Welds are transferred.
Import Using Instances

Simulation allows parts to share a B-Rep, which means transfer is faster and the B-Rep only must be meshed once. Because spot weld points must be defined in terms of special vertices created in the B-Rep (for example, a vertex in a face requires a degenerate loop containing a single vertex), B-reps can only be shared if they are identical in the spot welds that they have. SpaceClaim compares spot weld points and create instances that share a B-Rep for those part occurrences that have the same spot weld requirements.

We recommend that you leave this option turned on.

Do Smart Update

Smart update will only re-transfer parts that have changed, which can save a lot of time with a large assembly. Unfortunately, what constitutes a change in this case is an all-or-nothing consideration, which means a part will need to be re-transferred, along with any other parts that would share its B-Rep, if any of the following have changed:

  • The placement of the part occurrence in the overall assembly has changed.
  • Bodies have changed geometry, or been added/removed, or made visible/invisible, or the filters have selected different bodies.
  • The name of the part or any of the bodies has changed.
  • Named selection members for this part occurrence have changed.
  • Spot weld points for this part occurrence have changed.
  • Parameters (currently only sheet metal parameters) for this part have changed.

If you save your work in Simulation as a "dsdb" file, the timestamps used for smart update are saved with it, which means smart update continues to work in the next session.

Attach File Via Temp File

Attach is what Ansys calls a transfer. This preference uses a file for data transfer rather than reading data streams directly. This may be faster for large assemblies.

Analysis Type

If this is set to 2D, then only surface bodies lying in the XY plane are transferred.

Mixed Import Resolution

Simulation does not support bodies of mixed dimensionality in a multi-body part. They will transfer successfully, but they will fail to mesh. Mixtures of surface and line bodies are supported, but mixtures of solid-surface or solid-line are not. Therefore, if a part contains a mixture of solid and surface bodies, which is quite common in SpaceClaim, Mixed Import Resolution can be used to specify whether solids bodies or surface bodies should be used.

If Mixed Import Resolution is set to None, a mixture of solid bodies and surface bodies could be transferred, and as already mentioned, the part will fail to mesh. The default setting is None, since most CAD systems do not support mixtures of solids and surface bodies, but this setting should be set to Solid or Surface with SpaceClaim.