3.2.1. Menu Bar

Figure 3.3: Ansys Polyman Menu Bar

Ansys Polyman Menu Bar

The menu bar contains five drop-down menus:


contains menu items for creating new projects and simulations, opening existing projects, importing and exporting files, and exiting Ansys Polyman. See Creating a New Project, Simulation, or Geometry Branch, Opening an Existing Project, Importing Files into a Project, Exporting Files, and Exiting Ansys Polyman for details.


contains menu items for copying and deleting files, and refreshing the project tree. Edit also allows you to rename a simulation. See Copying and Deleting Files for details.


contains menu items for starting the programs that are included in the Ansys Polyflow package. See Starting the Programs for details.


contains menu items for assorted tasks, including converting a GAMBIT neutral file, testing a user-defined function file, viewing a listing file, obtaining information about a project or simulation, and modifying startup options for Ansys Polydata and Ansys Polyflow. Tools also allows you to schedule, kill, stop, restart running calculations, and to gzip Fluent/Post result files. See Setting Options for Ansys Polydata, Ansys Polyflow, FieldView & CFD-Post, Converting a GAMBIT Neutral File, Viewing a Listing File, Scheduling a Simulation, and Obtaining Information about a Project or Simulation for details.

You can open a Command Prompt window (on a Windows system) or an xterm window (on a Linux system) by selecting the Tools/Shell menu item.


contains menu items for getting help on using Ansys Polyman, as well as direct access to Ansys, Inc. web sites. See Getting Help for details.