7.9. Examining the Mesh in Ansys Polydata

Once you have read the mesh into Ansys Polydata, it will be displayed in the Graphics Display window (as described in Graphics Display Window). There are several ways in which you can modify the display of the mesh, including translating, rotating, and zooming the view, specifying which portions of the mesh you want to include in the display, changing the colors in the display, requesting display of the outline or grid lines or a filled-in display, and saving the display to a PostScript file. See the sections that follow for complete details.

Most of the display modifications can be performed using shortcut keys, which are summarized in Table 7.1: Graphics Display Window Shortcut Keys. Click the left mouse button in the Graphics Display window and type the appropriate letter or key combination.

Table 7.1: Graphics Display Window Shortcut Keys

Appearance Display the geometry in shaded mode. s
Display the geometry as a wireframe. This can be useful when one mesh is hidden by another one. w
Axes Remove the axes from the display. a
Add axes to the display. A
Background Color Set the background color to light blue. b
Set the background color to black. B
Set the background color to white. W
Set the background color to gray. G
Size Size the view to fit in the window. r or R
Double the , , or dimension. X, Y, or Z, respectively
Reduce the , , or dimension by half. Ctrl-x, Ctrl-y, or Ctrl-z, respectively
View Change the view to be perpendicular to the plane from a positive coordinate; repeatedly pressing this key will cause the view to alternate with the view from a negative coordinate. x
Change the view to be perpendicular to the plane from a positive coordinate; repeatedly pressing this key will cause the view to alternate with the view from a negative coordinate. y
Change the view to be perpendicular to the plane from a positive coordinate; repeatedly pressing this key will cause the view to alternate with the view from a negative coordinate. z
Display an orthographic view. o
Display a perspective view. p