Spider Plot

This plot is a two-dimensional chart for displaying multi-variable data of three or more quantitative dimensions.

Left mouse button Select single design
Ctrl + Left mouse buttonAdd single design to selection
Hold Ctrl + Left mouse button while dragging Select multiple designs
Hold Shift + Left mouse button while draggingMove the plot
Mouse wheelRotate the plot
Hold Ctrl Ctrl + Mouse wheel Zoom the plot in/out

To highlight a group of designs, hover over the corresponding entry in the legend. The highlighting shows only the hovered group of designs.

To highlight a group of dimensions, hover over the corresponding entry in the legend. The highlighting increases the radius for the rendered area of the corresponding segment of the circle.

Context Menu

Rotate Dimension Names

Dimension names can be horizontally aligned or rotated with the plots dimension axes.

Figure 2: Horizontally Aligned

Horizontally Aligned

Figure 3: Rotated with Dimension Axes

Rotated with Dimension Axes

Invert Axis Scale

Each axis scale is individually invertible.

Figure 4: Dimensions x_01 and CUBIC_VALUE Have Pinned Axes

Dimensions x_01 and CUBIC_VALUE Have Pinned Axes

Figure 5: Dimension X_01 is Inverted

Dimension X_01 is Inverted

Appearance > Show Lines / Splines

The designs can be rendered as splines (default) or lines.

Figure 6: Designs Rendered as Splines

Designs Rendered as Splines

Figure 7: Designs Rendered as Lines

Designs Rendered as Lines


The following preference settings are available:

  • Appearance

    • Font size

    • Line width

    • Symbol size

  • Window appearance

For more details, see Plot Preference Settings.