Exporting: Supported File Formats


Versions 6, 7, 15-31, 2021 1.0 (V27 default)

parts and assemblies (assemblies are flattened)

.sat, .sab

  • When you save an SAT file to an X_T file, bad edges are cleaned up in the design.

  • When you import ACIS files, the instance name "part n (body m)" is now imported, but only if the body name is different from the part name. The component and body names are separated by a character which you can define in the options for ACIS files. For example, the default character is a period, so the imported name would be component.body. This way, if there were one body named wheel in one component, the name of the imported component in SC would be wheel. An instance is a copy of a body (a copied or pattered solid).

  • ACIS bodies can be imported using the RealDWG option, Sketch curves and text can be imported into Designs, 2D.

  • Part and Assembly level PMI can be written to SAT and SAB files.
  • Material assignments can be written to SAT and SAB files.

Acrobat PDF 3D

Facets, Geometry (PRC B-Rep), curves

parts and assemblies


  • 32-bit and 64-bit platforms are supported.
  • Color information is exported for 3D PDFs.
  • Supports B-Rep import and export
  • Mesh-only .scdoc's can be exported to PDF.
  • No Adobe Acrobat required for B-Rep import and export, 32bit and 64bit platforms supported, Adobe Acrobat X Pro is not supported
  • SCDM optional module for 3D PDF is available

Acrobat PDF 2D

2D Print to or save drawings only


32-bit and 64-bit platforms are supported.



3D - parts, assemblies


  • Export also supports compressed AMF

  • The following are supported for export:

    • Geometry

    • Body and face colors

    • Body material

    • Textures

    • Lightweight components

    • Assembly structure tree

  • Export is supported by the Converter.

Ansys Neutral Format


License is required

Ansys Mesh Modeler



.inp, .dat


R12 to 14, 2000, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2018

Export as 2D snapshot and AutoCAD Solids (ACIS V7 format)

.dwg, .dxf

  • When you save a design with a shaded graphics style as a DWG file, it is converted to the hidden line style.

  • When you save a sheet metal design as a DXF file, notes and bend lines are saved on the same layer, and the overall unfold dimensions are removed.

  • Line weights can be exported to AutoCAD (DXF or DWG). Hatch lines on drawing sheets are exported as stand-alone lines.

  • Export as 2D snapshot


V5/V6 R15 to V5-6 R2023 (R25 default)

parts, assemblies

.CATPart, .CATProduct,

  • CATIA faceted (.cgr) files can be opened, but appear as lightweight components that cannot be loaded. You can save imported .cgr files as documents that can be opened later. However, this document's content remains lightweight. It is visible in the Design window but you can't change the model.

  • CATIA files with product manufacturing information (PMI) can be opened or inserted. Visibility is turned off. If a layer doesn't exist, it is created automatically.

  • When exporting CATIA V5 files, you can deselect the Simplify Spline Surface Data option. When importing or exporting CATIA files, the XYZ locations of point objects scale correctly.

  • Includes Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) placed on the Imported Annotation Planes

  • CATIA V6 precise part and product data must be exported as V5CATPart and CATProduct to be read into SpaceClaim
  • Export as Hybrid Design is supported
  • SCDM optional module Catia V5/V6 is available



Creo Parametric

Not supported


MS Office 2003, 2007, 2013

.xls, .xlsx

  • If MS Office is installed
  • Table export: Web page (.htm, .html), XML document (.xml), CSV file (.csv)


Not supported

Fluent Mesh

Meshes generated using the options in the Mesh tab.


  • Exports the Blocking mesh to Fluent.

  • You can choose to export one .msh file for the entire design or one .msh file per component (blocking object) in the Structure tree.

Fluent-Meshing Faceted Geometry

parts, assemblies, facets and/or solids


  • Faceted bodies as well as solid and surface bodies are supported.
  • The Improve data on export option in SpaceClaim Options > General file options is ignored for .tgf export.
  • Invisible bodies and components are not exported unless the Export hidden components and geometry option is turned ON in SpaceClaim Options > General file options.
  • Model units are preserved on export.
  • In SpaceClaim Options > TGF file options, Object is set to Per body by default. This will create a Fluent-Meshing Object for each body in the exported model.
  • Fluent-Meshing Objects are always created of type Geometry.
  • Groups or Named Selections are exported as Fluent-Meshing Face Zone Labels.
  • Since the aspect ratio is defined in the parametric (u,v) space of a surface, it is recommended NOT to define this parameter unless it can be ensured that all surfaces are arc-length parameterized.

    Important: It is a uv-grid aspect ratio and that does NOT guarantee the aspect ratio of resultant facets.

FM Database

Geometry transferred to Fluent Meshing (for input to the Fault Tolerant Workflow)



parts, assemblies


  • Binary glTF (GL Transmission Format) for scene graphics export.
  • Supported features include solid bodies, surface bodies, faceted bodies, lightweight components, and curves.
  • Includes graphics information such as body and face color, body finish (High/Medium/Low Gloss), and camera position.
  • Known limitations include faces with texture or hatched, brushed, and metallic render styles.
  • Use caution with proprietary models since the data is copied to web location.


Meshes generated using the options in the Mesh tab.


You can choose to export one .uns file Per design (default) or one file Per component (blocking object) in the Structure tree.


V5.3, JAMA-IS, Types: 186, 144, 143

parts, assemblies

.igs, .iges

Image Files

parts, assemblies, drawing sheets, 3D markup slides (export as 2D snapshot)

.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tif

On export, you can specify the image size in pixels or percent of full size.

When saving a drawing as an image you can specify Use Scene extents or Use Sheet extents. Scene extents includes gray borders around the drawing to fill the size of the entire scene. Sheet extents only includes what is within the sheet boundary.

See Inserting an image


Not supported

JT Open

9.0 to 10.8

parts, assemblies


  • JT Open 5.3 libraries are available for reading and writing JT files that were created with version 5.3.
  • JT files with product manufacturing information (PMI) are supported for:
    • datum labels
    • text notes
    • dimension measurements
    • GD&T
    • Surface finish symbols
    • Weld symbols
    • Flagnotes
  • PMI option is ON by default (part level PMI)
  • Semantic and Polyline PMI are supported. Semantic imported dimensions will update with geometry changes. Polyline are simply curves in space that do not update.
  • Semantic PMI is placed on Layer0 after import. Polyline is placed on a layer called Imported Polyline Annotations.
  • For GD&T symbols, you can click any tolerance annotation or datum symbol to view its values in the Properties panel.
  • Click an arrow or line to view or modify arrow or styles in the Properties panel.
  • Unicode file names are supported.
  • Semantic GD&T created in is exported to JT.
  • Export and import of free points is supported
  • SCDM optional module for JT Open is available




parts, assemblies V7



Not supported




V12 through V35 (V27 default)

parts, assemblies

.x_t, .x_b

Plmxml Format (*.plmxml) from Siemens

JT Export options are used during PLMXML Export to JT from SpaceClaim. The Yes/No/Cancel message box is suppressed during export through scjournal.





Point Curve Text

Not supported



parts, assemblies

Mesh-only .scdoc's can be exported to POV file format

Microsoft PowerPoint

MS Office 2003, 2007, 2013

3D markup slides .ppt

If MS Office is installed



parts, assemblies


PMI import and export is supported


V4.0, V5.0, V6.0

parts, assemblies


  • When importing a Rhino file, multi-segmented curves are consolidated.

  • You can export layer names, color information, sketch lines, and material information.

  • Neighboring topology is taken into consideration by default. This means that if problems are found with a face, then its neighboring faces can provide information used to fix the face.

  • The SpaceClaim plugin for Rhino is only supported for Rhino V5.0.
Supported Rhino Object Rhino object entity
Solids Closed polysurfaces Solid body
Closed surfaces: sphere, torus, ellipsoid dots;
Polysurfaces (open) Sheet body
Surfaces Trimmed surfaces Sheet body
Untrimmed surfaces with boundary edges
Curves (curve, polycurve) Named sketch curve
Point objects (point, point cloud) Not supported
Polygon mesh objects Not supported
Object name Entity name
Object color Entity color
Layers Layer name Layer name
Layer color Layer color
On/off layer Show/hide layer
Locked/unlocked layer Locked/unlocked layer
Layer structure Component structure
Materials Material name Material name
Other material attributes Not supported
Groups Not supported


V3.0 to V8.0, V2013 to V2020

parts, assemblies SketchUp



Not supported


AP203, AP214, AP242 (geometry)

parts, assemblies

.stp, .step

When you import STEP assemblies from one file, select the Create multiple documents when importing assemblies file option if you want the assemblies to remain in one file instead of being split into multiple files, one for each internal component.


parts, assemblies


  • When exporting STL files, the output is set to Binary by default.

  • STL files can include polyface meshes, and they can be imported as lightweight objects. Polyface meshes are imported as solids.

  • When saving as an .STL file, the quality is based your graphics quality setting. You should set the option to enable the highest possible graphics quality if you want your design to be useful as an SLA rapid prototype for form, fit, and function purposes.

  • You can import an STL file as a solid, if it has multiple planar areas that can be merged into one planar face.

  • You can import an STL file as a Mesh object and export it as another STL file. This makes it possible to import multiple STL files into a document and then export everything as a single STL file.

  • STL export can be performed directly from lightweight (visualization only) .scdoc








Body and face colors

Video files

Not supported




  • Structure is not maintained when you save as an OBJ file.

  • When you save your design as an OBJ file, the current graphics tessellation is used for accuracy. You can modify the tessellation by setting the Image quality vs. graphics speed option.

  • UV's are transformed according to a body or face and texture information is exported with the file.
  • Body and face colors


part and assembly solids only


The orientation and translation of the current view is saved in an XAML file.


3D markup slides
