Integration Dialog

To display the integration dialog, add an integration node to the Scenery pane and double-click the node.

1InputLists all parameter or input slots. For most integrations, these can be added by dragging from the integration specific pane to the input side and dropping on the Parameter or Input slots pane. Some integration dialogs offer buttons instead. Inputs are classified as design entries. When adding a parameter, the parsed value is used as reference value.
2Integration specific

This part of the dialog differs for all integrations. Most integration dialogs consist of a File Browse section to load a corresponding file and an integration specific content pane. This pane is filled with data depending on the file format and the type of integration.

For script and common text based integrations, the integration specific pane is a text editor that displays the content of the file. The context menu of the text editor offers specific features only for script integrations.

  • Search: The search functionality can be activated using the context menu or the shortcut Ctrl+F. Common search options are available, for example case sensitive, match only a whole word, use regular expressions, forward and backward search.

  • Font settings: The font of the text window can be changed globally using the context menu. The selected font settings are stored in the configuration file and the font size overrides the application base font size.

For script integrations a list of suggestions (input/output candidates) is displayed.

Drag and Drop: Suggested variables can be dragged and dropped to use as one of the following.

  • Parameter: Drop on Parameter pane

  • Input slots: Drop on Input slots pane

  • Responses: Drop on Responses pane

  • Output slots: Drop on Output slots pane

  • Variables: Drag to Variables to switch the center page and drop on the Variables table

For some integrations there are (multi-action) buttons to register/add one of the last mentioned items, as well as Shortcuts and the context menu.

Distinct working directory: Select this check box to create an extra directory in the design directories for calculations. This option is only available for Python, MATLAB, and Excel nodes.


Any location can be registered as (internal) variable. This is helpful when defining derived outputs, for example, a signal created from two vectors. All registered variables are listed in a table with an ID, the value type, the evaluated value, integration specific location information and an expression for derived variables.

Registration of variables can be applied either by drag and drop or by selecting Use as internal variable on the multi-action button (if available).

Internal variables can be used to define new derived variables that are needed as output. The Expression cell of a derived variable provides the functionality of the calculator. With the approach of using internal variables and the definition of derived variables directly within the integration, the workaround using slots and calculator to define special responses is unnecessary.

Instant visualization is available for variables and provides special features for array-like variables.

Vector, signal and matrix elements or the x-axis can be dragged from instant visualization panes and dropped either into the variables table or directly into the calculator dialog of an existing variable. The first option automatically creates a new variable, which is initialized with the corresponding expression. An existing expression can be extended using the second option.

Supported types with resulting expressions

  • by dragging selection from the Data tab:

    • Vectors: <variable>[<row>]

    • Signals/xydata: extract(<variable>,<column>)[<row>]

    • Matrix: extract(<variable>,<row>)[<column>]

  • by dragging x-axis (also zoomed) from the Visualization tab:

    • Signals/xydata: window(<variable>,<start>,<end>)

The context menu offers the following options:

  • Add variable: Adds a new entry in the variables tab.

  • Remove variable: Removes all selected entries in variables tab.

  • Copy variable(s): Writes the selected variables to the clipboard (all as clipboard format, derived as csv-format)

  • Paste variable(s): Adds the variables contained in the clipboard to

    • Editor, Excel and so on: derived variables as text (separated with \n for lines and ;; for tokens)

    • Node of same type: all variables

    • Node of other type: only derived variables

  • Export variable(s): Exports entries to the following file formats

    • optiSLang variable database (*.ovdb): Writes the complete set of variables to the file.

    • Comma-separated values file (*.csv): Writes only the derived variables to the file.

  • Import variable(s): Imports entries from the following file formats

    • optiSLang variable database (*.ovdb): Adds all variables for nodes of same type and only derived variables for nodes of other type.

    • Comma-separated values file (*.csv): Adds only the derived variables.

  • Refresh values: Re-reads the entry values.

  • Resize column to contents: Resizes the view to the current data.

  • Open calculator: Opens the calculator editor dialog.


Run Options

List of general options for controlling node runtime execution. The number of supported options is individual for each node.

  • Delay before start: Configures a delay before a process is started. This delay also works as a minimum delay for multiple parallel process starts.

  • Maximum runtime: If a process takes longer than this number of seconds to execute, the run is counted as failed. The process is terminated automatically if maximum runtime is exceeded.

  • Maximum in parallel: Defines the maximum number of parallel runs. This value may be limited in the configuration file by the parameter IM_DegreeofParallelism .

  • Designs per process: Defines the number of designs that will be sent to each process at once.

  • Auto-save behavior: Select one of the following options:

    • No auto-save (default)

    • Actor execution finished

    The project, including the database, is auto-saved (depending on defined interval) after calculating this node/system (either when the calculation succeeds or fails).

  • Read mode: When selected, the node does not execute, but forwards outputs (files).

  • Distinct working dir: When selected, creates an extra directory in the design directories for calculations.

  • Retry execution: When selected, retries a node execution if it failed. Set the following options:

    • Number of retries: Maximum number of retry attempts.

    • Delay between attempts: Time in milliseconds between each retry attempt.

  • HPC licensing for parametric variations: When selected, forwards the HPC licensing information to the process environment variables.


Lists all responses or output slots. For most integrations, these can be added by dragging from the integration specific pane to the output side and dropping on the Response or Output slots pane. All standard slots can be seen when opening the Standard slots flyout. Manually added slots are displayed directly.

6Additional options

Displays or hides additional options.

By default No auto-save is selected for integration nodes. Actor execution finished can be selected as well.

7Message log paneDisplays error, information, and warning messages. This pane is only displayed if there are messages to show.
8Multi-selection buttonsAllows you to select an action from a list of options, then apply the action by clicking the button.