Data Types

Data types are used in nodes and connections.

Types Icon Name Description
Standard - scalar   Bool The value can be true (1) or false (0)
  Bool Vector A container of bool elements.
  Integer A value of integer type.
  Unsigned Integer A value of integer type greater or equal zero.
  Unsigned Integer Container A container of unsigned integer elements.
  Real A floating point number.
  String A value of type string.
  String Container A container of string elements.
  Path Describes a location in the file system.
  Split path Describes a location in the file system (which maybe relative to working directory).
  Relative split path Describes a location in the file system (which maybe relative to a desired base path).
Standard - none scalar   Vector A value of type vector.
  Matrix A value of type matrix.
  Signal A value of type signal.
  XY-Data A value of type xy-data.
optiSLang specific   Criteria A criterion of type min, max, lessequal, or greaterequal.
  Design Point A point containing a value for each parameter.
  Parameter An input variable of a simulation model.
  Parameter Manager A parameter manager manages parameters and their properties.
  Design A set of input and corresponding output parameter values.
  Design Manager A container of designs.
Compound   Variant Its value can be scalar, vector, matrix, signal or xy-data.
  Design Entry A value for a parameter.
    UninitializedIndicates that the value of a variable is uninitialized.