Standard Non-scalar


The type vector is a one-dimensional container and consists of a collection of elements (values or variables).

Several operators can be used with a vector. The index operator [] allows access to individual elements. The first element is indexed by [0].

To create a new vector one can use the following constructor expressions:

  • [z1,...,zn], for example, [1,2,3]

  • vector(z1,...,zn), for example, vector(1,2,3)


The matrix is represented as a two-dimensional container and consists of a collection of elements (values or variables).

Several operators and functions of linear algebra can be used with a matrix. The index operator [,] allows access to individual elements. The first element is indexed by [0,0].

To create a new matrix one can use the following constructor expressions:

  • [[z11,...,z1m],[z21,...,z2m],[zn1,...,znm]], for example, [[1,2,3],[5,6,7],[4,3,2]]

  • matrix([z11,...,z1m],[z21,...,z2m],[zn1,...,znm]), for example, matrix([1,2,3],[5,6,7],[4,3,2])


A signal is an ordered sequence of element values having an abscissa (for example,. time axis) and several output channels.

There are several mathematical functions for signal processing.

To create a new signal, use the constructor expression:

signal(z,z1,...,zn), for example, signal([1,2,3],[5,6,7],[4,3,2]).


The type xy-data is a special case of signal which has exactly one channel. This is useful because the xy-data of some of the calculator functions will return special value types, for example the function mean(S) will return a scalar if S is xy-data instead of a vector if S is a generalized signal.

To create a new xy-data, use the following constructor expressions:

  • xydata(z1,z2), for example, xydata([1,2,3],[5,6,7])

  • xydata(z), for example, xydata([[1,2,3],[5,6,7]])