optiSLang Specific


Criteria are formulated as mathematical expressions to define goals and restrictions of algorithms. This can be:

Objectives Possible objective criteria for an optimization problem are minimizing MIN or maximizing MAX.

Constraints are restrictions of an optimization problem. Possible criteria are and .

Limit states

Limit state functions for a reliability analysis can be defined using relations and and expressions.

For detailed information see Parametric System.

Design Point

The Design Point is a container with a collection of design entries.


A parameter is an input variable of a simulation model. It is defined by:

Name The parameter name.
Parameter Type The type of the parameter. Possible values are Optimization, Stochastic, Opt.+Stoch. (mixed) or Dependent.
Reference Value The reference value (for example,. parsed value for text input).
Constant A flag to set the parameter constant.
Operation The expression of a dependent parameter.
Value Type Definition of the value type. Possible types are defined by a design entry.
Deterministic Properties Properties for optimization parameters (for example,. Resolution, Range, Range Plot).
Stochastic Properties Properties for stochastic or mixed parameters (for example,. PDF, Type, Distribution Parameters, Mean, Standard Deviation).

For detailed information see Parametric System.

Parameter Manager

The Parameter Manager is a container with a collection of parameters.


A design is a set of input parameter values and corresponding output parameter values associated with definitions and status information.


The design ID/number.


Set of input parameter values as design points.


Set of output parameter values as design points.


Set of criteria.


The design ID/number with same the properties.


The processing state of the design.

Design States

PendingThe design is in the queue and is being processed.
SucceededThe design has been processed. Valid values are available for all defined parameters, responses, and criteria and there were no failures during calculation.
IncompleteThe design has been processed and all defined parameters have valid values. A failure occurred during calculation or at least one (but not all) of the defined responses and criteria has failed.
FailedThe design has been processed and at least one parameter has no valid value, or all defined responses and criteria have failed.
Needs reevaluationThe design has been processed but something changed, so a recalculation is required.
Design Manager

The Design Manager is a container with a collection of designs.