Standard Scalar


A variable of this type can have values true (1) and false (0). Conditional expressions have the type bool and so have values of type bool. For example, i!=0 now has true or false depending on the value of i.

Bool Vector

The Bool Vector is container of bool elements.


The value of the type Integer is a signed 64 bit integral with a range from -9.223.372.036.854.775.808 to 9.223.372.036.854.775.807.

Integer numbers may be used with basic operators, conditional operators and various mathematical functions.

Unsigned Integer

The value of the type Unsigned Integer is an 64 bit integral with a range from 0 to 18.446.744.073.709.551.615.

Unsigned Integer numbers may be used with basic operators, conditional operators and various mathematical functions.

Unsigned Integer Container

The Unsigned Integer Container is a collection of unsigned integer elements.


The Real type represents a 64 bit floating point number and has a range of +/-1.7e +/-308 (~15 digits).

Real numbers may be used with basic operators and various mathematical functions.


The type String is a sequence of wide characters such as Unicode characters.

String Container

The String Container is a collection of string elements.


A Path is a name of a file or directory and specifies a unique location in the file system. The delimiting character is the backslash (\) on Windows platforms and slash (/) on Linux platforms.

Split path

Split path supports the relative access to files in subdirectories.

Splitting the path means that the path is split into two parts, hereinafter referred to as head and tail. The head serves as a base path (for example, the working directory), whereas the tail defines the path to the reference file relative to the base path.

Note:  Paths that are set to be relative to the working directory simultaneously serve as locations for the reference file used within the GUI (absolute path is used) as well as the working file used during a project run.

Relative split path

The Relative split path works similar to the split path. Additionally different modes for the base path can be set:

  • Relative to working dir: The path tail is considered to be relative to the working (design) directory

  • Relative to project: The path is considered to be relative to the project

  • Absolute: The path is considered to be absolute

Note:  Paths that are set to be relative to the working directory simultaneously serve as locations for the reference file used within the user interface (absolute path is used) as well as the working file used during a project run.