Extended CoP Matrix

This plot provides an extended view of the CoP matrix. As like the CoP matrix, the full model CoPs for every output parameter are shown in the last column, while the single CoP values of the input parameters are shown line-by-line. Additionally, the support points used to generate the surrogate models and an approximation plot are shown for each parameter/response combination. The approximation plot uses the globally defined parameter values which can be edited using the Parameter Settings widget.

Common Settings
Show indicesToggle single CoP values to show coupled terms as Total effects, Main effects or Interactions.
Show extendedDisplays response surface 2D plots in tiles in a parameter range where they are not filtered. Also displays model information text in Total column (if the tiles are big enough to show content, the tile is shown with round corners instead of a pure rectangle).
Common Preferences

The following preference settings are available:

  • Appearance

    • Font size

    • Line width

    • Symbol size

    • Enable axes

  • Axis Ranges

  • Axes Rotation

  • Labels

  • Palette

  • Window appearance

For more details, see Plot Preference Settings.

Plot-Specific Preferences
Filter value lower than [%]Sets the value where if the coefficient value is below this number, data is filtered from the chart. The default value of 0.0 means no filtering.
Filter models with total value lower than [%]Removes every row from the matrix where the model CoP is lower than the given value. The default value of 0.0 means no filtering.
Show filteredDisplays the content of all CoP tiles, even the ones that the MOP has filtered out. These tiles were initially empty.
Object text orientationOrientation of text displayed in the tile can be toggled from Automatic, which means text takes vertical orientation if horizontal space is not enough, to strictly Horizontal or Vertical.
Approximation line width scaleSet the line width scale of the approximation line. Line is drawn with a width of the Line width property and this scale. To make the approximation line thicker without changing all the other lines. Setting is only visible when Show extended is enabled.
Show background copShow or hide the tile color.
Show copShow or hide CoP values as text.
Show round cornersShow or hide round corners on the tiles. When hidden, tile content has a little more space.
Show approximation lineShow or hide approximation line. Setting is only visible when Show extended is enabled.
Approximation resolutionChange the resolution the approximation line is drawn with. Settings is only visible when Show extended and Show approximation line are enabled.
Show support pointsShow or hide support points used to create the model. Setting is only visible when Show extended is enabled.
Show deactivated support pointsShow or hide support points used to create model that were then deactivated. Setting is only visible when Show extended is enabled and when support points are deactivated.
Show additional pointsShow or hide additional points. Setting is only visible when Show extended is enabled and when additional points exist. Additional points are created when there are points not used for the model to build up.
Show approximated pointsShow or hide approximated points. Setting is only visible when Show extended is enabled and when approximated points exist. Approximated points are created with the Approximation Design Table.
Show parameter lineShow or hide the parameter line. The vertical line displays the position of a globally defined parameter value. Setting is only visible when Show extended is enabled.
Show gridShow or hide a default grid in tiles. Setting is only visible when Show extended is enabled.
Show selectionShow or hide the selected model and its two major parameters as a thicker line around the tile.
Python scripting

Create Visual

Creates an Extended CoP Matrix using data with data_id

    ext_cop_matrix = Visuals.ExtendedCoPMatrix(
        Id("Extended CoP Matrix"),

Add to Postprocessing

Adds Extended CoP Matrix in postprocessing to control_container, using the specified relative positioning.

    control_container.add_control (
        1/2., 0, 1/2., 1/2.