Chapter 13: Rigid Dynamics Analysis of Track Roller Mechanism using Point on Curve Joints

This example problem demonstrates the use of a Rigid Dynamics analysis to examine the behavior of a track-roller mechanism using point on curve joints. The center point of an offset roller is placed directly onto a track edge to demonstrate the offset positioning capabilities of point on curve joints. While this model may not be entirely realistic, it clearly demonstrates the capabilities of the features highlighted.

Analysis TypeRigid Dynamics
Features DemonstratedPoint on curve joints, reference coordinate system, mobile coordinate system
Licenses RequiredAnsys Mechanical Premium/Enterprise/Enterprise PrepPost
Help ResourcesPoint on Curve Joint

13.1. Set Up the Analysis System

  1. Prepare the analysis system.

    1. Browse to open the file TrackRoller.wbpz. A Rigid Dynamics system will populate the Project Schematic. This file is available here.

    2. Right-click the Model cell, and select Edit to open the Mechanical Application. The model shown below will open.

13.2. Define the First Point on Curve Joint

  1. Insert a new joint.

    In the Outline view, right-click the Joints folder under the Connections node, then select Insert>Joint.

  2. Define the new joint.

    1. Select the new joint in the Outline to display the joint Details view.

    2. In the Definition section of the Details view, click the Connection Type field. The field becomes active.

    3. Select Body-Body from the Connection Type drop-down menu.

    4. Click the Type field. The field becomes active.

    5. Select Point on Curve from the Type drop-down menu.

  3. Scope the new point on curve joint.

    1. Use the edge selection tool to select an edge of the track to be used as the curve in the new point on curve joint, as shown below.

    2. In the Details view, click to activate the Reference Scope field.

    3. Click Apply.

    4. Use the face selection tool to select the face of the track to be used as the curve orientation surface, as shown below.

    5. In the Details view, click to activate the Reference Curve Orientation Surface field.

    6. Click Apply.

13.3. Define the Reference Coordinate System for the Joint

  1. In the Details view, click to activate the Reference Coordinate System field.

  2. Configure the orientation of the reference coordinate system so that Z is the normal of the curve orientation surface and X is in the tangent of the curve. The correct orientation is show below.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Select and configure the point used in the point on curve joint.

    In this example, the center of the first roller (the circle selected below) will be selected as the point for the first joint. When creating a point on curve joint, the center of a selected geometric entity (that is, a vertex, an edge, a surface, or a volume) is considered as the point. To specify a point:

    1. Use the edge selection tool to select the outer edge of the roller, as shown below.

    2. In the Details view of the joint, click to activate the Mobile Scope field.

    3. Click Apply.

    4. In the Details view, click to activate the Mobile Initial Position field.

    5. Select Override from the Initial Position drop-down menu.

      The Override option is necessary because the center point of the roller is offset from the track edge. If the Initial Position value of the mobile coordinate system is left to the default value, Unchanged, the reference coordinate system and mobile coordinate system are assumed to be coincident.

13.4. Define the Mobile Coordinate System for the Joint

The center of the roller face will be used as the origin in this model. The orientations of the reference coordinate system and mobile coordinate system must be the same, or the point on curve joint will not work properly. To define the mobile coordinate system:

  1. In the joint Details view, click to activate the Mobile Coordinate System field.

  2. Select the edge of the roller using the edge selection tool. By default, this will configure the mobile coordinate system so that is corresponds to the reference coordinate system.

  3. Ensure that both coordinate systems align as shown below, then click Apply.

13.5. Define the Remaining Point on Curve Joints

Create three more point on curve joints, one for each additional roller, and define them in a similar manner as described in Define the First Point on Curve Joint through Solve and Review the Results. Be sure to select a different roller edge (as described in 4) for each additional joint. The completed model and coordinate systems should be configured as shown in the model below.

13.6. Solve and Review the Results

  1. Solve the model.

    Click the Solve icon.

  2. Review the results.

    In the Outline view, select Total Deformation from the Solution node. The model displays with the point selected placed on the specified curve, as shown below.

Congratulations! You have completed the tutorial.