3D Taylor Cylinder Impact



Taylor, G.I. (1948). The use of flat ended projectiles for determining yield stress, part I: Theoretical considerations. Proceedings of the Royal Society (London). 194 (1038), 289-299. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.1948.0081

Lacy, J.M., Novascone, S.R., Richins, W.D., & Larson, T.K. (2008). A method for selecting software for dynamic event analysis II: The Taylor anvil and dynamic Brazilian tests. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. INL/CON-08-13727, Idaho National Laboratory. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc902615/m2/1/high_res_d/940073.pdf

Analysis Type(s): Explicit Dynamics 3-D
Element Type(s): Solid

Test Case

The Taylor cylinder impact test uses a right circular cylinder made of a test material which impacts a theoretically rigid target. In this test, an OFHC copper cylinder, 0.762 cm in diameter and 2.54 cm in length, impacts a rigid plate at 19000 cm/s. The simulation time is 8 x 10-5 s. The deformed cylinder after impact will be compared with the modeled results from the reference. A quarter of the cylinder is modeled due to symmetry.

This test case also appears in the Workbench Verification Manual. See VM-EXD-MECH-002.

Figure 101: Problem Sketch: Schematic of the 3D Taylor cylinder (1/4)

Problem Sketch: Schematic of the 3D Taylor cylinder (1/4)

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading

Cylinder material:


Diameter of cylinder = 0.762 cm

Length of cylinder = 2.54 cm

Impact velocity = 19000 cm/s

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

The cylinder and rigid plate are modeled with solid elform 1 and shell elform 2 elements. The rigid plate is modeled with MAT_RIGID and its x, y, z displacements and rotations are constrained by setting CON1 = 7 and CON2 = 7. The cylinder is modeled with MAT_JOHNSON_COOK with similar material properties given in the references. Equation of state (EOS) is employed for the cylinder. CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE soft = 2 is applied between the cylinder and rigid plate during impact.

Results Comparison

The final cylinder profile is similar to the one shown for the Autodyn results in the code comparison reference. The cylinder radius in the impact plane agrees closely with the experimentally obtained values as well as with other simulation programs. The final cylinder length in this simulation is greater than that of the experimental value, but it agrees closely with the length calculated by other simulation programs using the same material model for copper. Figure 102 shows the final deformed copper cylinder at the end of the simulation.

Figure 102: Profile of the Copper Cylinder at the End of Impact Analysis

Profile of the Copper Cylinder at the End of Impact Analysis