3-D Taylor Cylinder Impact


Reference:No theoretical solution. Experimental results and code-comparisons are available:
Taylor, G.I., “The Use of Flat Ended Projectiles for Determining Yield Stress, Part I: Theoretical Considerations,” Proceedings of the Royal Society (London), Vol. 194, pp. 289-299, 1948
Lacy, J.M., Novascone, S.R., Richins, W.D., and Larson, T.K., “A Method for Selecting Software for Dynamic Event Analysis II: The Taylor Anvil and Dynamic Brazilian Tests,” Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, INL/CON-08-13727, Idaho National Laboratory, 2008
Analysis Type(s):Explicit Dynamics 3-D
Elements:8-Node Linear Interpolated Reduced Integration Hex
Boundary Conditions:Fixed Constraint
Structural Interactions:Trajectory Contact
Fluid-Structure Interactions:No

Test Case

The Taylor cylinder impact test uses a right circular cylinder of a test material which impacts a theoretically rigid target. In this test, an OHFC copper cylinder, 0.762 cm in diameter and 2.54 cm in length, impacts a rigid plate at 19000 cm/s.

Figure 226: Finite Element Model of Copper Taylor Cylinder with 1/4 Symmetry

Finite Element Model of Copper Taylor Cylinder with 1/4 Symmetry

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesLoading
Cylinder material = copper
Diameter of cylinder = 0.762 cm
Length of cylinder = 2.54 cm
Impact velocity = 190 m/s

Analysis Assumptions and Modeling Notes

Two parts are created to model the copper cylinder and the rigid plate. Quarter symmetry is used to reduce simulation time.

Material data for copper is obtained from the Explicit Materials data source in Engineering Data. This data is the same as the material data used in the code comparison reference.

A 0.2 mm element size is used to mesh the cylinder. The rigid plate is modeled with a single element.

Trajectory contact is used to compute the impact of the cylinder on the plate. The initial velocity of the cylinder is 190 m/s and the simulation is run for 8 x 10-5 s.

Results Comparison

The final cylinder profile is similar to the profile for the rigid body dynamics results (shown in the code-comparison reference). The cylinder radius in the impact plane agrees well with the experimentally obtained values, as well as with other simulation programs. The final cylindar length in this simulation is greater than the experimental value, but agrees well with the length computed by the other simulation programs using the same material model for copper. The plot below shows the final share of the deformed copper cylinder at the end of the simulation, compared to the original shape (semi-transparent).

Figure 227: Final Deformed Shape of the Taylor Cylinder

Final Deformed Shape of the Taylor Cylinder

Figure 228: Profile of Final Deformed Shape of Taylor Cylinder With Scale

Profile of Final Deformed Shape of Taylor Cylinder With Scale