3.1.2. Import Geometry

The Import Geometry   icon on the Geometry panel opens the Geometry Import dialog, offering options to import geometric surfaces from various file formats, as well as pre-defined body-fitted meshes. Geometry surface information may be imported from the following types of files, in addition to previously created Ansys Forte project files (.ftsim or .cksim):

  1. Ansys Fluent meshing faceted geometry file (.tgf) from Ansys Discovery SpaceClaim.

  2. Surfaces from Fluent mesh file (.msh).

  3. Surfaces from STL file (.stl).

  4. Body-fitted mesh from another Forte project (.ftsim).

  5. Body-fitted mesh from KIVA-3V (itape17) format (.fmsh).

  6. Surfaces from CGNS that has been exported from another CFD program (.cgns). NOTE: When exporting CGNS files for use in Ansys Forte, be sure to select that the format is HDF5.

For projects making use of Forte's automatic meshing capability, the preferred geometry formats are 1 and 2. The TGF format can be exported directly from Ansys Discovery SpaceClaim. This is also the default transfer format used when defining an Ansys Workbench Forte cell connected to a Geometry source.

STL is a less-preferred but common format available from many different CAD systems. The steps for importing geometry information from an STL file for use with automatic mesh generation are described in the Forte Quick Start Guide. That manual also describes the steps required for the option of reading in a pre-defined body-fitted mesh.

If you select option 2 or 5, you will next be presented with the choice of importing the entire mesh for a body-fitted mesh simulation or extracting just the geometry surface information from the file to use automatic mesh generation in the simulation. If you opt to use the body-fitted mesh directly, then the mesh format must be block-structured hexahedron. Such file formats can be exported from commercial mesh generators, such as Ansys ICEM CFD. These files include flags that indicate boundary surfaces, which are required in specification of boundary conditions.