2.8.13. Clip Planes

The New Clip Plane   button on the icon bar opens the Clip Editor panel, allowing you to specify the clip plane coordinates. This creates a cutting plane to split the currently visible surfaces. Any surface that is in front of a clip plane is culled from the display. This is useful for seeing features on the inside of a closed watertight surface.

To specify a clipping plane, set the origin and the normal direction of the plane. This specifies a clipping plane to the 3-D renderer, so that items in front of this clipping plane are not drawn in the display. An example of the clipping plane in use is shown in Figure 2.22: Specifying a sub-volume via Geometry, then selecting, then actual sub-volume displayed. The coordinates can be specified by selecting components in the 3-D window with the Select from screen   button, by clicking the magnifying glass   button to select an existing location from the list in the panel, or by manual coordinates for a reference frame. Click Apply.