The stoning function enables you to perform a virtual stoning of the part to identify surface defects present in the workpiece. Choose Analysis Ribbon Elements to display the Stoning task panel and view a digram in the Graphics Window that displays the depth of detected surface defects.
from theThe following options can be applied to the display by checking or clearing the check box next to the option:
- Smooth Results
When checked, the plot contours are smoothed. Clear this check box to view the plot without smoothing.
- Show Stone
When checked, a rectangle is displayed on the plot that represents the size and orientation of the stone. Clear this check box to view the plot without this rectangle.
Choose a Stone CS is set to , you may choose to orient the length of the stone along the X axis, Y axis, or both X and Y axes. If Stone CS is set to , you may choose to orient the length of the stone along the U axis, V axis, or both U and V axes.
to orient the stone. IfEnter a Enter, and click to change the size of the simulated stone.
, pressChoose Create stone CS task panel to define a coordinate system for the stone, or choose to use the same coordinate system for the stone that applies to the rest of the model.
from the drop-down menu to use theChoose
or from the drop-down menu to simulate scanning the stone along the upper or lower (as defined by the Z or W component of the you have chosen) surface of the workpiece.Click List Value Task Panel to pick points to display the depth of the surface defect at those points on the diagram.
to use theClick Contour Setting Task Panel to modify the settings of the stoning diagram contours. Generally, the actual surface defect is very small, so the contour range between Min and Max should be set to small values.
to use theWhen you are finished with the stoning diagram, click the Viewing Basic Deformation Results.
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